Are There Plants That Can Help You Quit Tobacco?

Smoking is one of the worst health habits. In addition, the addiction that nicotine causes us and all its carcinogenic  components  , forces us to continue enslaved daily. Cigarettes mark our hours and our habits, little by little diminishing our health.

Quitting smoking requires great willpower and a clear personal determination to stop smoking and start a healthier life in which to alleviate all the side effects that tobacco causes us.

For this, we will need either the help of a professional, our doctor, or simple personal motivation. Indeed, many people have been able to quit smoking on their own.

Thus,  will, perseverance and the need for a healthier life should be the fundamental pillars on which to base our determination, especially if you smoke 20 or more cigarettes a day.

The plants that we present below could help you alleviate your cravings, relax and soften the withdrawal syndrome. They are easy to find, in your supermarket or in health food stores. In addition, its preparation is also simple.

It is best to consult a specialist about the best treatment to stop smoking. The effectiveness of the plants described below has not been scientifically proven. Therefore, it may not be helpful when you quit smoking.

give up smoking

Passionflower or passion flower

The medicinal use of Passiflora is very widespread to treat cases of nervousness, insomnia or the relief of anxiety. Although the exact mechanism of the anxiolytic effect is still unknown, research indicates that compounds in the plant stimulate an increase in the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, in the brain, which produces a mild sedative effect. Its active principles are found in the aerial parts: flowers, stems and the leaves of the plant.

To prepare the passion flower, you can use both its petals and its dried fruit.

  • First, we take a tablespoon where several of its petals and fruits fit. We take them to the kettle in boiling water.
  • Then we let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • We can take it before going to sleep, we will rest better and wake up relaxed.


Licorice is one of the oldest and most commonly used herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Contains more than 20 triterpenoids and 300 flavonoids. In recent years, many studies have reported that isolated active compounds from licorice possess antitumor, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunoregulatory and various other activities that contribute to the recovery and protection of the nervous, alimentary, respiratory, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

We can consume it in various ways: as a powder and through an infusion, as a decoction, simply chewing its root or even consuming the licorice pills sold in herbal stores.


(Photo: Organicus Blog /

Based on evidence primarily from animal and in vitro studies, ginger may have beneficial effects towards cardiovascular disease through its multiple actions that counteract inflammation, hyperlipidemia, platelet aggregation, and hypertension.


Morinda citrifolia L. It is a tropical plant with a long tradition of use for food and medicinal purposes, mainly in the South Pacific and tropical parts of Asia. Less common benefits include a reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol level, reduction or cessation of smoking, fewer menstrual or menopausal problems, and a reduction in side effects caused by chemotherapy and irradiation in cancer patients.

happy woman

Your willpower is essential to free yourself little by little from this dependency. You can start limiting the number of cigarettes a day, play sports, take care of those moments when you know you need the desired dose of nicotine: when you get up, after eating, when you have a coffee, when you meet with family or friends …

To acquire functional strategies to quit smoking, you will have to go to your doctor or a specialist. It will help and advise you on this difficult but comforting path to a healthier life.

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