The Best Fruits For Your Heart

Fruits are one of the healthiest foods that we can include in our regular consumption. Next, we will tell you which ones are the most appropriate for your heart health.

Fruits are very good for our health, in general, but especially for the heart, because they do not add too much fat and, at the same time, provide proteins, vitamins, fibers and minerals, among other nutrients. In view of this, we will tell you which are the best fruits for your heart.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend consuming around five pieces of fruit a day, of any kind. And in this sense, it should be clarified that it is not necessary that you suffer from heart problems to include them in your diet. However, if this is the case, do not hesitate to take advantage of them.

Although all fruits are recommended to maintain good health and the heart away from the usual problems, the truth is that some help us more than others in this particular organ. We are going to divide the fruits into four groups, according to their colors. This way you will know which ones are recommended, within each one.

Fruits for your heart, according to color

1. Red color

The best fruits for your heart are the red ones, since they contain an antioxidant called ‘lycopene’.  Within the group of red fruits, we can find: strawberries, blackberries, pink grapefruit and watermelon.

In addition, cherries and apples provide anthocyanins, excellent to enjoy a strengthened heart system. Ellagic acid, present in berries and pomegranates, neutralizes cells that can cause cancer, for example.

Additionally, most of these fruits have resveratrol,  a substance that reduces the risk of cardiovascular accidents and heart attacks.

2. Dark colors

Among the best fruits for your dark-colored heart are: blueberries, currants, plums, grapes, figs or elderberries. All of them are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, substances that help improve the health of the immune system.

Of this group, blueberries are usually the most recommended, as they contain a large amount of antioxidants, more than any other fruit. If you want to avoid heart problems, do not hesitate to add these fruits to your breakfasts and snacks.

3. Light colors

The best fruits for your heart of light colors are: bananas, peaches, nectarines and pears. These fruits offer a good amount of minerals, phytochemicals and vitamins that promote heart health.

Exotic fruits protect your heart

According to some research, the best fruits for your heart are the exotic ones because they are the richest in natural antioxidants. If we consume them often, we can reduce the chances of suffering from coronary heart disease by up to 17%. The most recommended are:

  • Mango.
  • Papaya.
  • Red pitaya.
  • Guava.
  • Star fruit.


One of the best fruits for your heart is guava, given its high antioxidant content. Some studies affirm that it even has more than the blueberry, the healthiest fruit par excellence.

Guava provides vitamin C in large quantities; in fact, more than oranges. It is pear-shaped and its color ranges from yellow to pink, with juicy pulp, full of seeds. Its consumption provides potassium and vitamins B3 and B6 and also helps regulate cholesterol and blood pressure.

Guava cut into two pieces


Papaya or lechoza is a fruit with juicy pulp and sweet taste. It is rich in vitamins of the complex B, A and C, and therefore, it is one of the best fruits for your heart. On the other hand, papaya is a fruit rich in potassium and low in sodium.

Star fruit

Also known as: carambola, tamarind or tiriguro, depending on the country, it is from Malaysia and Indonesia. It has no seeds, it is fresh and very juicy. It has vitamin C and pantotheic acid.

It is low in calories and carbohydrates, but high in potassium. Its consumption is usually recommended, especially to people with diabetes, conditions in the blood vessels and the heart and also to hypertensive patients. On the other hand, it is not recommended in cases of stones or kidney failure.


Red pitaya

Also called “Dragon fruit” it is native to Latin America. Its appearance is like a small red pineapple. It is a fruit rich in vitamin C but not citrus, so it is ideal for those who have an intolerance to citrus.


Mango is, perhaps, one of the exotic fruits best known or consumed in countries other than the native ones, such as China or Japan.

In fact, it is called “Peach of the tropics”. Provides a large amount of magnesium and vitamins A and C ; and, without a doubt, it is one of the best fruits for your heart because it helps reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.


In case you have food allergies or a specific pathology, consult your doctor before starting to incorporate a new food into your diet. 

With regard to the consumption of these fruits, you should know that it is best to enjoy them naturally. In the second instance, you can consume them as shakes or smoothies and ultimately, cooked.

Finally, remember that, when it comes to grapes, apples and the like, do not remove the skin, since it is one of the most nutrient-rich parts.

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