Natural Remedies For Dry Feet

What can we do to treat dry feet? If the dermatologist approves it, we could resort to the following natural remedies.

Dry feet are a very common condition among adults. Although they do not involve a serious health problem, they are the result of poor foot care, so they can become annoying and unpleasant, since they look bad.

Therefore, to show off beautiful feet you need to follow some simple steps to moisturize them. Here are some natural remedies that could help you if you have dry feet.

Learn to moisturize dry feet

Before resorting to any of the following alternatives, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist. In this way, the professional will be able to warn us about its convenience or prescribe a treatment with more specific medications.

Foot bath

A very effective and simple natural remedy to prevent dry feet is to do a foot bath. To do this, you just have to soak your feet in a tray with hot water for no more than 10 minutes, since according to specialized sources this could further dry out the skin.

After this, use a pumice stone, with which you will have to rub the plant, being careful not to mistreat the cracked areas. Finally, rinse your feet and dry them very well. Add some moisturizer and put on some socks. Repeat this operation as directed by the dermatologist; its daily use is not always advisable.

Avocado and banana cream


Another very easy to prepare natural option is an avocado and banana cream. The avocado has proven effects for skin care, as does the banana.

According to the traditional uses of this remedy, to prepare it you must crush half an avocado and a small banana in a blender. The mixture must be very thick, so that you can apply it as a mask on your feet.

Various traditional recipes indicate wrapping the feet with plastic that is used to cover food (which can be bought in the supermarket) for about 30 minutes; consult your dermatologist about this practice. In turn, ask him how often you could use this cream.

Lemon scrub

Before applying this remedy, it is very important that you be careful, since lemon can cause burning if your skin is damaged or very cracked. However, this fruit has proven properties as an exfoliator.

The traditional use is as follows: mix a quarter cup of lemon juice with half a cup of sugar. Moisten the skin of your feet and apply the mixture by massaging in a circular motion. Lastly, rinse your feet and dry them very well.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil

Many people consider coconut oil to be an excellent ally against dry skin; various investigations carried out in animals confirm this effect.

In theory, this product helps the skin retain water and remove dead cells. In fact, coconut oil could also serve to strengthen the tissues that are under the epidermis, although there is not much evidence in this regard.

Popular beliefs recommend rubbing your feet with a little of this oil every night and then putting on some socks so that its properties act throughout the night. Repeat this every day until you get the desired results.

Papaya cream

In addition to the avocado and banana cream, you can also make a papaya cream , which could also be effective for dry feet. Animal studies confirm this potential, although more research in humans is needed.

Blend some papaya in a blender until you get a paste, with a consistency similar to that of a puree, and apply it on those areas that are dry. Papaya renews the skin, as it is a natural exfoliator. Remember, however, that it is most appropriate to always use these remedies with the prior approval of the dermatologist.

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