Morning Tips For A More Productive Day

Have you ever wondered how to have a more productive day? Here are 7 things to make your day as profitable as possible.

Usually, before we begin our daily duties, we take a short time in the morning to prepare. Have you ever wondered how to have a more productive day?

First we shower and dress, then we eat breakfast, and finally, we proceed to start with the usual routine. At least, this is the sequence that many people tend to go through today.

However, It is advisable to have a period of time to do or think about some things that positively influence our day .

Here are 7 things to make your day as profitable as possible.

1. Get some exercise

To have a more productive day It is advisable that 15 minutes after waking up, you do some aerobic physical activity . You can jog for 20 minutes or do a little home gym routine for 40 minutes.

Physical exercise before breakfast allows you to burn more body fat than usual. Studies show that exercising every morning improves our ability to reflect, concentration , memory, and combat depression.

2. Have a good breakfast

A good diet is also key to having a more productive day. A good breakfast, loaded with carbohydrates and proteins, improves your mood.

Studies show how important the first is food of the day , both for our physical and mental health. Not eating breakfast, or skipping breakfast, can cause us not to perform properly in our work.

3. Drink a glass of water with lemon juice

Lemon and lemon juice for a more productive day.

Studies support the fact that lemon has properties to improve mood in people.  Therefore, drinking lemon juice in the morning, accompanied with breakfast, can generate an increase in serotonin in the body.

The serotonin is the chemical responsible for our mood during the day. The more serotonin we have in the body, the more productive day you will have.

4. Drink water

In case you cannot drink the lemon juice in the morning, then you can drink a good glass of water. The hydration that water gives us allows our energy levels to be elevated.

Studies have shown that the ingestion of water can collaborate with our mood states during the day, reducing the feelings of fatigue and dream .

5. Apply some meditation or relaxation

After getting up, and once you have taken a bath, doing fifteen minutes of meditation will help you have a more productive day.

Meditation and relaxation exercises allow to increase the density of gray mass in the brain. This translates into memory and didactic ability benefited.  In addition, episodes of stress and anxiety are reduced.

6. Read something constructive

Woman reading a book with a cup of coffee to have a more productive day. Reading is the best means of training for the brain. This allows us to: improve our memory capacities, reduce stress, and develop empathy .

This does not mean that you are going to take the newspaper in the morning and read the news. more negative. Quite the opposite. Try to read a constructive, reflective or well-being article to fill yourself with good energy.

7. Write something declaring the best of the day

It is necessary to take a few minutes in the morning to write an affirmation that collaborates with our vision of the day. This will give us security to start on the right foot and to be able to develop all our activities well.

For example, you can write your personal short-term and long-term goals or objectives on a note. You can also organize a goal in small steps to motivate yourself to make it come true.

This will help you feel more motivated and focused on what you want to achieve. At the same time, you will feel like you have a more productive day as you see progress in your goals.

Do your part to have a more productive day

As you can see, to have a productive day, we do not have to focus only on doing our work from the moment we get up.

There must also be a prior motivation that allows you to contribute your best. And you, what activities to do to have a more productive day? 

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