The 7 Best Natural Juices To Slow Down Aging

When it comes to slowing down or reducing the effects of aging, any strategy of natural origin interests and benefits us.

We talk about those actions that we can practice on a day-to-day basis and that, in addition to improving our general health, offer us a whole treasure of antioxidants, hydration and vitamin C. Therefore, they are ideal for smoothing wrinkles or recovering the elasticity of our skin. .

As we all know, there are no miracles when it comes to aging . There are approaches, treatments and above all the inevitable assumption that the passage of time is inexorable.

However, before assuming a passive attitude as the years go by, it is always interesting to take an active approach.  Thus, our main purpose will be to take care of ourselves, feel good and take care of what we eat as much as possible.

Today in our space we propose the following, take one or more of the following natural juices every day. They are very healthy and will help you reduce the footprint of the passage of time.

7 best natural juices to slow down aging

The tomato juice

Tomato juice is rich in a very specific type of antioxidant, lycopene. This carotenoid and phytochemical pigment is a specialist when it comes to fighting free radicals.

Likewise, lycopene also helps us achieve firmer and more toned skin by inhibiting the activity of collagenase, a type of enzyme that, year after year, degrades the collagen in our skin.

Kale juice

Kale juice is one of the most traditional when it comes to slowing down aging. Its leaves are rich in vitamin K, a very suitable nutrient for preventing heart disease and osteoporosis.

Nor can we forget that kale offers us multiple other nutrients, such as:

  • Minerals (manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium).
  • Vitamins (B1, B2, B6, E).
  • Fiber.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.

We are facing a multivitamin vegetable with great antioxidant activity.

Eggplant juice or water

We have already explained to you on multiple occasions in our space that one of the healthiest vegetables that we can consume is eggplant.

Now, a sensational way to take advantage of their virtues is to cook them and drink the water with which we have made their cooking.

There are also those who cut it into smaller pieces to pass it later through the processor and combine its juice with that of an apple, in this way its flavor is improved. Take it as you wish and like it more, because eggplant is one of the foods richest in antioxidants.

Red grape juice for aging

Grapes, their skin and their seeds have long been used to make beauty products aimed at slowing down aging.

Its secret is in resveratrol. It is a type of antioxidant that is also in blackberries, blueberries or currants and that has a great effect when it comes to fighting the passage of time.

  • Before buying packaged juices, try to make the smoothie yourself at home where you include both the skin and the seeds themselves. Do not discard anything!

Pomegranate juice Wonderful!

One of the best fruits that we can have at home every time the season arrives is the pomegranate.

It helps us fight bad cholesterol, it is good for dealing with the bacteria lodged in our bladder and kidneys and in turn offers us a remedy to alleviate the impact of wrinkles.

Pomegranates help us produce urolithin A, a molecule known for its ability to regenerate mitochondria. This will allow us to take care of every cell in our body.


Despite the popular belief that watermelon is made up of only water and sugar, it is actually a fruit that provides us with a high amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Watermelon gives us great hydration, something that shows skin appreciates. Nor can we forget its richness in vitamin A. This is a very necessary nutrient to renew our epidermis and helps us  fight dryness and wrinkles.

The Kiwi

melon and kiwi smoothie for aging

We recommend consuming golden kiwi. If you combine it in a natural juice with an apple and a little lemon, you will get a fabulous drink to combat aging.

  • The antioxidant compounds found in kiwi help us to firm the skin and delay the formation of fine lines.
  • They contain a high content of vitamins C and E. These help us reduce skin damage caused by free radicals.

Now tell us… What juice of the ones presented here are you going to drink today? Remember to make the smoothies yourself and not add any type of sweetener whenever possible.

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