Natural Solutions To Reduce Scars

Scars are always an unsightly feature that most people want to ignore or, at least, improve their condition. Beyond expensive treatments, there are a series of natural solutions that will allow you to reduce skin scars and thus restore its original appearance little by little.

Types of scars

First of all, we must be clear that not all scars that appear on the skin are the same. You have to understand the different types, which can occur due to skin exposure, injury, or other factors.

In this way, you can find:

  • Atrophic scars: These create marks or indentations in the affected areas. An example is stretch marks.
  • Keloid scars: These are skin lesions in which the scar tissue grows excessively.
  • Hypertrophic scars: Like the previous ones, they represent an exaggerated form of scarring. However, in this case they only affect the area of ​​the injury.

    Tips to naturally fade scars

    1. Attenuate scars with lemon


    Lemons are rich in alpha-hydroxy acids, a substance that helps remove dead skin cells and acts as a natural bleach In this way, something as simple as lemon juice helps to lighten the marks and erase them.


    • Juice of 1 lemon

    What to know about its use

    • To make this remedy useful, you will need to thoroughly cleanse your skin before applying it.
    • Soak a cotton ball in the lemon juice and rub it on the affected area.
    • Leave on for about 10 minutes and rinse.
    • If you are going to go out, after applying the lemon juice you will have to put on a sunscreen.

      2. Honey

      Honey can also help eliminate or at least reduce scars. It is a product that stimulates tissue regeneration and is very effective in treating wounds. This time, we are going to mix it with baking soda for best results.


      • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 gr)
      • 1 tablespoon of bicarbonate (10 gr)

      What should you do

      • For this solution to be effective for your skin, you will have to mix honey and baking soda in equal proportions.
      • Get a homogeneous mixture and apply it to the scar area with a massage for approximately 3 or 5 minutes.
      • After the indicated time, place a warm cloth on the area.
      • Wait until it cools down and rinse.

      3. Onion

      Onion benefits

      Onions can also be very effective in treating your scars. They have anti-inflammatory properties that help inhibit collagen production, which is vital for brand discoloration to occur.

      Onion extracts are available in gels and creams that can be applied regularly for blemish-free skin.

      4. Aloe vera

      Aloe vera has endless benefits for the skin. Among them, its anti-inflammatory properties stand out, which help reduce skin irritation, eliminate scars and promote the regeneration of new cells.

      How to use it?

      • To take advantage of the benefits of this natural product, we must open a leaf of the plant, extract the gel from inside and apply it directly to the skin.
      • It is also possible to find it in the form of ointments, creams and gels.
      • Aloe vera can be used on the skin every day.

      5. Currant

      black currant

      Gooseberries are rich in vitamin C, a nutrient that accelerates the healing of scars. Next, we explain how to take advantage of its benefits by making a powder with the nuts or using them fresh.

      What should you do?

      • In the case of powders, we must mix them with oil to facilitate their application. If they are fresh, we will form a paste and use it as a mask.
      •  In either version, it is an ideal ingredient to help prevent scar formation and fade old scars.

      6. Tea tree essential oil

      Tea tree essential oil has antibacterial properties that can help gradually reduce acne and surgical scars. To take advantage of them, just mix a few drops of this essential oil with water and, with the help of a cotton ball, apply it on the affected areas.

      7. Laser

      If none of the above works, laser procedures are very effective and are recommended to reduce stubborn and persistent scars. Laser treatment effectively removes all scars and gives an even skin tone. However, we must bear in mind that it is not a natural way out and its cost is usually high.

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