6 Tonics And Masks With Green Tea To Fight Acne

Green tea is a very recurring ingredient in skin care products, especially in the case of acne.

Among the masks to combat acne, those made with green tea stand out. And is that the astringent properties of this famous ancient drink are very beneficial for this common skin problem.

The following homemade masks and toners that we propose are a simple solution, which will not only prevent you from being exposed to chemicals but will also be very affordable.

Try the mask that most catches your attention and you will see how you can improve the appearance of your skin. Be careful, since it is a natural alternative, you must be patient when obtaining results. 

1. Green tea mask, honey.

This mask has a pleasant texture and is suitable for all skin types. As for its frequency of use, you can use it up to twice a week if the problem is severe.


  • 2 tablespoons of freshly brewed green tea (20 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of natural honey (5 g).


    • Make some green tea. From that preparation, separate two tablespoons and place them in a separate container.
    • Let the tea steep for a few minutes until it reaches room temperature.
    • Then proceed to mix everything with the help of a spoon.
    • Add the honey and mix again.
    • Apply to clean skin and massage in circular motions.
    • Leave on for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse your face.

    2. Exfoliating mask with green tea

    Exfoliating mask with green tea

    ** Note: This green tea exfoliating mask is not suitable for dry skin. 


    • ¼ cup of concentrated green tea (25 ml).
    • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar (20 g).


    • Make a green tea concentrate and let it steep for an hour.
    • Mix the tea with the sugar.
    • Stir the mixture with a spoon several times to incorporate everything well.
    • Apply to the skin in gentle, circular motions.
    • Leave on for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse and apply your usual moisturizer.

    3. Green tea and yogurt mask

    The next of the acne-fighting masks is also suitable for sensitive skin thanks to its ingredients. Yogurt is an ingredient that helps kill acne-causing bacteria and reduces the inflammation of pimples.


    • 3 tablespoons of Greek or natural yogurt (30 g).
    • 2 tablespoons of cold green tea (20 ml).


    • Make the green tea. Once it is at room temperature, separate two tablespoons in a container and refrigerate.
    • Combine the two ingredients and apply to a clean face with a brush.
    • Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
    • You can apply this mask once a week.

    4. Green tea and apple cider vinegar tonic

    This toner is great if you want to fight acne.  We recommend that once you prepare it, you store it in a plastic spray bottle. In this way, you can apply it whenever you want, in a very simple way.

    As for its frequency of use, you should know that you can use this tonic between one or two times a day. You will notice that in a couple of weeks the acne will be much more controlled.


    • 1 cup of concentrated green tea (100 ml).
    • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (10 ml).


    • Make the green tea concentrate. Let stand until lukewarm.
    • Add the tablespoon of vinegar to the green tea and mix several times with a spoon.
    • Pour the liquid into a plastic spray bottle.
    • Take a cotton ball and impregnate it with the toner.
    • Wipe the wet cotton all over your face and leave it on for 5 minutes.
    • Rinse with cool water and apply your moisturizer.

    5. Green tea tonic with rose water

    Both green tea and rose water are two ingredients that help remove dirt, accumulated fats and impurities that clog pores. This toner stands out for its ability to cleanse and reduce inflammation of acne-affected skin. 


    • 2 green tea bags.
    • ½ cup of rose water (50 ml).


    • Heat the rose water and, before it reaches its boiling point, add the contents of the green tea bags.
    • Let it infuse for a couple of minutes.
    • Turn off the heat and let it rest for 7 minutes.
    • Store the liquid in a spray bottle and refrigerate.
    • Apply this toner every night before going to sleep.
    • Note: tonic should be kept refrigerated.

    6. Green tea, chamomile and mint tonic

    Chamomile tea

    Do you want an acne-fighting toner that you can use without problems and that, by the way, helps you refresh your face? In that case, you should try the following recipe.

    This green tea, chamomile and peppermint toner is very beneficial, as it helps  not only to fight acne, but it also helps to refresh and soften the skin.

    ingr edientes

    • Fresh green tea leaves.
    • 1 cup of water (100 ml).
    • Fresh chamomile flowers.
    • Fresh mint leaves.


    • Heat the water and when it boils add the mint, chamomile and green tea.
    • Turn off the heat and let it rest for 10 minutes.
    • Strain and store in a spray bottle.
    • Apply to clean face in the morning and at night.

    Other tips to fight acne

    In case you are under a specific treatment for acne, you should consult with your dermatologist about the use of these masks and tonics, to avoid interfering with the treatment.

    On the other hand, if you observe any unfavorable reaction, immediately discontinue the use of these products.

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