9 Homemade Preparations To Control Ulcerative Colitis

Just as you should increase the consumption of foods that relieve the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, it is also essential to avoid those that accentuate it.

On certain occasions, natural remedies are beneficial to calm some health problems. Along these lines, these homemade preparations to control ulcerative colitis prove it.

Once the doctor has made the diagnosis, facilitating the control of the disease, the quality of life of the patient does not have to deteriorate. And, for this, we teach you how to make homemade preparations with natural ingredients. Allies in the diet to promote the relief of discomfort.

What is ulcerative colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammation of the colon that leads to the development of ulcers. Resulting in a chronic disease that requires a lifelong treatment.

For this reason, permanent contact with the specialist is essential. And it is that the specialist Gerhard Rogleruno explains that one of its main risks, among others, is to cause colorectal cancer.

Once this is clear, it should be said that herbs and fruits can be added to specialized medical care, whose properties help prevent complications or relapses.

9 homemade preparations to control ulcerative colitis

There are different options to activate the control of this pathology.

For one thing, anti-inflammatory plants relax the irritated gut. On the other hand, the cicatrizers allow the recovery of the intestinal mucosa; while astringents control excess loose stools.

Aloe vera gel.

That said, the truth is that several researchers from the Saudi Chemical Society endorse a set of natural remedies that help reduce discomfort to, thus, relieve pain. Take aim!

1. Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera to Control Ulcerative Colitis

According to an article published in 2014 by the World Journal of Gastroenterology , aloe vera is (along with turmeric and cabbage) is one of the plants that soothe the symptoms of this annoyance; as it  has anti-inflammatory and digestive components.

If you want to take advantage of its benefits, just take a moderate amount a day.


  • 1 teaspoon of aloe (the inner gel).
  • Water.


  • After extracting the gel from the aloe vera, you liquefy it with a little water to obtain a thick liquid.
  • If you wish, you can drink half a glass (100 ml) twice a day for four weeks.

2. Protective turmeric

Thanks to curcumin, its active compound, turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce acid secretion and protect the stomach. In addition, it is fantastic to color dishes, stews, rice dishes, etc.


  • 1 gram of turmeric.
  • Water.


  • Dissolve one gram of turmeric in a glass of water (200 ml). Afterward, have it for breakfast to prevent relapse.
  • This procedure should be repeated at night. And it is also appropriate to add that gram of turmeric in meals.

3. Pineapple juice for relief

Without a doubt, one of the protagonists of these homemade preparations to control ulcerative colitis is pineapple juice. And, as a study carried out by several researchers from the American Cancer Research Institute demonstrated, the bromelain from the fruit is ideal as an ally in the treatment of digestive diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

With two glasses of juice a day (400 ml), colitis patients will find relief.

4. Cabbage juice 

By making cabbage juice and drinking it, you will help ease stomach pain. In addition, by adding honey or a natural sweetener you can soften its flavor to enjoy this original recipe.

5. The benefits of ginger

According to the results of a study published in 2018 by the Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis (JCC), ginger alleviates the symptoms of colitis and, in addition, accelerates the repair of the wounds that this disease causes.

Therefore, a good option is to  take a preparation of this plant twice a day.


  • Ginger.
  • Lemon.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • First, you grate the ginger and boil it for ten minutes.
  • After the indicated time, strain and add the honey and the juice of a lemon.

6. Infusion of chamomile

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile protect the colon from further injury.

Chamomile tea.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml).
  • 2 tablespoons of chamomile (30 g).
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


  • First, heat the water and, when it comes to a boil, add the chamomile ; letting it infuse for a few minutes.
  • After removing from heat, cover and let cool. When it is warm, strain and add honey to sweeten.
  • Take it three times a day (preferably the first on an empty stomach).

7. Rice water

A cup of rice water when you wake up and another before you sleep can also alleviate the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

Moreover, according to a research carried out in 2020 by Food Science & Nutrition , the antioxidant activity of this food generated favorable results in a week ; increasing colorectal length.


  • 1 cup of rice (200 g).
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml).


  • Preparing this drink is simple: you just have to heat the water with the rice for 25 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, let it cool, strain and it will be ready to drink.

8. Iron and phosphorus in apples

Because their peel contains iron and phosphorus, apples are an excellent relief for ulcerative colitis. In preference, experts recommend opting for those that are yellow.


  • 1 apple.
  • Water (as necessary).


  • First, cut the apple into small pieces and cook it in a double boiler until soft.
  • Afterwards, you can eat it twice a day.

9. Cabbage water, antioxidant

The vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber in cabbage water make this remedy an effective natural painkiller. It is also purifying and anti-inflammatory; making it ideal for improving the discomfort of ulcerative colitis and reducing gastric acidity.

  • Boil 10 cabbage leaves in 2 cups of water (500 ml). Then lower the heat to a minimum for five minutes and let it rest.
  • After straining it, consume moderately both in the morning and in the afternoon, for 21 days.

Eating well to control ulcerative colitis

A good eating routine is essential to achieve good health. Along these lines, experts also advise incorporating:

  • On the one hand, the intake of three bananas a day helps reduce inflammation of the colon. Also, a tablespoon of olive oil (ingested three times a day) is able to relieve discomfort.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis . Therefore, include flaxseed oil, walnuts, salmon and fish oil in the daily diet.
  • Along these lines, a study approved in 2018 by several South Korean universities determined that the purple carrot was ideal if you want to correct intestinal mucosa damaged by colitis.

However, consultation with a specialist in these cases is essential. And his approval of a designed diet, where you can add these homemade preparations, will be the sure sign to learn to control ulcerative colitis; helping to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

As you have seen, the fact of acquiring a good diet where you include these recipes will be a key factor in improving the quality of life of patients. And you? Do you dare to start today?

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