8 Things You Can Do To Prevent Spider Veins

Spider veins are small red and purple vessels that are produced by dilation of the minor capillaries and superficial veins.

Its appearance usually occurs before varicose veins, although many times they disappear without becoming inflamed in such a way.

They occur more regularly in women over the age of 20. Especially when they are sedentary and overweight.

However, they can also occur from hormonal changes, in addition to the use of inappropriate shoes and exposure to high temperatures.

Fortunately, they are not usually a serious health problem. Thus, p ueden be significantly reduced with simple habits.

In the following space we want to share 8 recommendations that, applied constantly, help prevent and treat them. Take aim!

1. To prevent spider veins: Get regular exercise

Physical exercise, especially activities focused on the legs, is one of the essential practices to avoid spider veins.

This improves blood circulation and controls the inflammatory processes that affect the appearance of this problem.


  • Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Also spend about 10 minutes on leg exercises.
  • Ride your bike 3 times a week.
  • Then go for a daily 20-minute walk.

2. Control your body weight

Are you overweight or obese? Careful! In addition to causing spider veins, these disorders can lead to serious circulatory and cardiovascular problems.

Try to monitor your weight continuously and, if you lose weight, adopt healthy habits to lose weight.


  • First, eat a balanced diet, controlled in fat and calories.
  • Also avoid consuming fast or processed food.
  • Eat 3-5 meals a day.
  • Get into a daily exercise routine.
  • Increase water consumption.

3. Avoid crossing your legs

Although it seems like a harmless habit, crossing your legs can become a trigger for unsightly spiders.

Staying in this position for a long time hinders circulation and can cause an inflammatory reaction in the legs.


  • Sit with both legs off the ground.
  • If you work seated, or for some reason you must stay in this position for a long time, take a few minutes to stretch or walk.

4. Limit the use of heels

We cannot deny that heels are a perfect complement to look elegant and feminine.

However, its excessive use can cause inflammatory and circulation problems, which end up influencing the appearance of these veins.


  • Wear your favorite heels only on special occasions.
  • Avoid buying too high heels too.
  • After wearing this type of footwear, elevate your legs and massage them to activate circulation.

5. Use apple cider vinegar

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar is an external tonic that can diminish the appearance of spider veins when applied with a massage.

This has anti-inflammatory and relaxing substances that, after being assimilated, improve circulation and the activity of the lymphatic system.


  • First, dilute apple cider vinegar in warm water and rub it on your legs with a 5-minute massage.
  • Optionally, heat water with vinegar and apply it as compresses, as hot as possible.
  • Repeat its use every night to achieve good results.

    6. Avoid wearing tight clothing

    Wearing clothing that is too tight can cause circulatory and lymphatic difficulties.

    Although the body seems to support it, repeating this habit can lead to the appearance of spider veins and varicose veins.


    • First, avoid pants that are too tight.
    • Buy sizes that are light for you to wear.
    • Choose to wear clothes with loose designs.

    7. Take advantage of the properties of aloe vera gel

    5. Aloe vera

    Another of the natural remedies that help improve circulation in the legs is the prodigious aloe vera gel.

    This ingredient contains essential nutrients and moisturizing agents that, when absorbed, minimize the appearance of spiders.


    • First, extract the fresh gel from the aloe vera leaf and apply it on the affected areas.
    • Leave it on without rinsing and use it like this up to 2 times a day.

    8. Drink water with lemon

    The consumption of water with lemon on an empty stomach can help detoxify the body to eliminate those fluids and toxins that inflame the tissues.

    Its properties reduce excess acidity in the blood and reduce circulatory difficulties.


    • Consume a glass of warm water with lemon (200 ml) on an empty stomach, every day.
    • Drink warm water with lemon in the afternoon.

    Are you worried about getting spider veins? Follow all these recommendations and avoid them without spending money on expensive treatments.

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