8 Reasons Why You Have Brittle Nails

Improper nail care can be a determining factor in brittle and dull nails. Do not use them as tools and hydrate them frequently

Nail care has become one of the inevitable habits of the beauty routine, not only because they are a complement to our look, but because their appearance can make a first impression when we interact with other people. That is why we must avoid brittle nails that give a fragile appearance.

To meet the need to keep them healthy, the cosmetic industry has developed a wide variety of treatments and products that, applied regularly, prevent their weakening.

Despite this, many have difficulties to look beautiful and healthy, since they ignore that the practice of some habits has a negative influence on their condition.

For this reason, before spending on expensive treatments, the ideal is to identify what causes its deterioration and why we have brittle nails.

Discover 8 common reasons.

1. You remove enamels inappropriately

Close-up of a human finger

The application of polishes on the nails is a way to beautify them with different designs and colors. However, many tend to remove the enamel with their teeth or flaking it when it begins to fall off. This practice alters the surface layer that protects its internal structure, causing brittle nails.

  • The ideal is to use suitable polish removers, verifying that their chemical composition is not harmful to the nails.

2. If you are used to biting them you will have brittle nails

For obvious reasons, a bad nail biting habit is one of the reasons for brittle nails. Although for some people it is a method to channel anxiety and stress, its practice produces deformations in the structure of the nails and serious infections.

This deteriorates the natural enamel that covers the surface of the nail and, if that were not enough, hinders its natural growth.

3. You don’t wear gloves to protect yourself


Although we often overlook it, the handling of cleaning chemicals is detrimental to the health of our nails.

Many of its components affect your natural enamel and produce alterations in the cuticles that protect them.

  • It is important to wear protective gloves when doing housework, especially when handling detergents, bleaches and similar products.

4. You use your nails as a tool

Although they are in our hands and can facilitate some tasks, nails should not be a working tool.

Straining them to remove labels, open containers, or other tasks weakens their structure and increases the chances of breakage.

  • Try to use other elements to carry out these tasks and, if possible, protect them with gloves so as not to expose them.

5. You don’t hydrate them


Do your nails look dull and dry? Careful! Dehydration can also make them brittle in a short time.

As with the skin, the nails must be constantly hydrated to grow healthily and reduce the aggressions they suffer in the environment.

  • Apply moisturizing cream on its surface and, additionally, increase water consumption.

6. You pay attention to the cuticles

The cuticles are an essential part for the health of the nails, since they protect them against external agents.

Despite this, some take it away when treating the nails or, in severe cases, remove them with nail clippers and tweezers.

  • The ideal is to keep them hydrated with appropriate products.
  • To remove dead cells that accumulate in your surroundings, the use of cuticle removers is recommended.

7. You abuse gel nails


The excessive use of gel hairpieces can have negative consequences on the structure of the nails. While they help to achieve a sophisticated and long-lasting manicure, important nutrients are lost during their removal.

  • It is essential to use them only with the help of a professional and, when removing them, use appropriate products so as not to affect the natural nail.

8. Files inappropriately

Nail files are a good tool to shape them if we know how to use them correctly.

The problem is that some use them to file their surface, ignoring that this can cause weakness, breakage and infections.

On the other hand, looking for a square style, some exaggerate by filing their sides and end up wearing important parts of the structure.

  • If you don’t know how to file them well, enlist the help of a nail professional.

Can’t keep your nails strong and long? You are probably making one or more of the mistakes mentioned. If so, try to correct them with these tips. Be more careful when you are treating them. If you do it right, you will definitely forget about brittle nails.

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