8 Foods To Lower Uric Acid

Uric acid is a chemical that the body creates automatically after breaking down substances called purines. Its accumulation can lead to the appearance of a pathology known as gout.

To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to take care of the diet. In this way, a lower supply of purines is achieved, so the risk of suffering from such a disease is considerably reduced.

The body removes uric acid

Generally, the body is able to dissolve uric acid through the blood, then travel to the kidneys and be completely eliminated in the urine.

Despite this, some people are unable to eliminate sufficient amounts because the body generates this chemical in greater amounts than it should. In such cases it can cause a wide variety of discomforts such as:

  • Continuous and excessive swelling of the toes and hands, causing a lot of pain.
  • Crystallization of uric acid, which generates stones that are stored within the kidneys.
  • Alteration of the pH of the urine, which also favors a greater number of kidney stones.

    Fortunately, with the right diet it is possible to regulate uric acid levels. In this article we will give you the keys to a healthy diet.

    1. Artichokes and uric acid

    Artichokes are the best option when it comes to reducing and leveling uric acid. These have a large amount of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, in addition to having fibers and proteins inside. In addition, it should be noted that they have been shown to be very beneficial for liver health.

    Thanks to its diuretic properties, this food will not only help you eliminate uric acid, it will also eliminate many other toxins through urine. The best way to consume them to take advantage of all these properties is as follows.

    Ingredients and preparation

    • Use ½ kilo of artichokes (15 units).
    • Wash artichokes before cooking.
    • Put them in a pot with 1 liter of water.
    • Boil for at least 40 minutes.
    • Serve to taste.

      In addition to consuming the artichokes whole, you can also drink the broth resulting from cooking.

      2. The pumpkin


      Also known as squash, it is a diuretic food that will remove any excess uric acid naturally. This delicious and nutritious food can be prepared in the oven, cooked or boiled, and it will always provide all its properties to the body.

      In addition, it is a food that stands out for its vitamin C content. This nutrient has an antioxidant character, capable of helping to prevent the development of complex pathologies. This is evidenced by research published in Advances in Nutrition.

      3. Apples and uric acid

      This delicious fruit is excellent for our health when we suffer from excessive uric acid storage. It is capable of eliminating all excess toxins that are accumulated within the body in the least harmful and natural way.

      As with pumpkin, this food can be eaten cooked, boiled or baked and, of course, natural.

      Other fruits that should be included in a diet to lower uric acid are, for example, strawberries, raspberries, cherries or citrus fruits such as lemon or orange.

      4. Celery

      Celery is recognized for having cleansing effects that allow you to control and eliminate excess uric acid in the blood. We can consume it raw, fried or as we wish, its properties will not be affected. Also the broth from its cooking is useful.

      5. The chicken

      Just as red meat increases uric acid levels, chicken reduces this chemical very easily. In the same way, eggs can also be incorporated into food.

      In general, low-fat white meats and fish help lower uric acid. Some examples, apart from chicken, are turkey, rabbit, sole, rooster or hake.

      6. The carrot


      The carrot should not be missing in the diet of those who suffer from uric acid, because, like celery, it is capable of eliminating the excesses of this chemical. It can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, or juiced, and it will always provide you with the much-needed benefits.

      On the other hand, it is a fundamental food to prevent visual problems related to macular degeneration, according to a study published in the Journal of Comparative Physiology.

      7. Water is essential

      Water must be present in any diet and diet, whether or not it is due to uric acid. You should drink at least 2 liters a day. Drinking enough water will allow you to produce more urine and more easily eliminate toxins found in your body.

      Some extra recommendations

      If you want to control your uric acid levels, it is important that you follow the following recommendations:

      • Do not consume fruits in excess, as they will end up becoming purines that your body will not be able to metabolize.
      • Cook all foods to perfection. In this way, less purines will be ingested.
      • In addition to drinking the 2 liters of water daily, try also to combine them with infusions or juices.
      • Consuming seaweed and nuts will allow you to control your uric acid levels.
      • Try to eat at least 1 gram of calcium daily. In this way pain and arthritis will be avoided.
      • Moderate or eliminate the salt.
      • Eliminate alcohol completely.

      If you follow all these recommendations, you will not only be able to control your uric acid levels, you will also be able to lead a normal and completely healthy life.

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