8 Foods To Avoid If Your Uric Acid Levels Are High

You have to control the intake of foods rich in purines, as these can increase uric acid levels and cause gout.

Uric acid is a chemical compound that is produced when the body breaks down substances known as ‘purines’. 

The cells are responsible for dissolving this substance, sending it to the bloodstream and kidneys where, after a filtration process, it is discarded through the urine.

However, when it is produced in excessive amounts, or there are difficulties in its elimination, its levels increase in the blood and a condition known as hyperuricemia occurs.

This leads to an imbalance in the body’s inflammatory processes and, since it accumulates in small crystals, it can originate from painful kidney stones to joint problems such as gout.

Considering that a large part comes from some commonly consumed foods, it is necessary to identify them to limit their consumption until the body manages to get rid of the excesses.

1. Fish

Blue Fish

Although fish is a healthy source of protein and essential fatty acids, it is not advisable to include it in the diet when you have high levels of uric acid.

This is because they contain high concentrations of purines that are broken down in the body with this waste substance. Whenever possible, the consumption of fish should be avoided, such as: sardines, herring, cod, pollock, trout and salmon.

2. Coffee

Coffee and other caffeine-containing beverages are harmful to hyperuricemia patients by dehydrating the body and hampering the processes that clean uric acid from the blood.

Ingesting them in excessive amounts affects inflammation in the tissues and hinders the process of filtering waste that takes place in the kidneys.

3. Organ meats


Organ meats are a food of animal origin that usually contain large amounts of purines and acids that can cause kidney stones and joint pain.

The liver, heart and other organs of animals generate an excessive accumulation of uric acid which, among other things, can make gout worse.

4. Asparagus and spinach

Although animal products contain the most this waste substance, some vegetables, such as asparagus and spinach, increase its accumulation in the blood.

Despite the fact that in these cases it is easier to dispose of them through urine, their intake is not recommended in the face of diseases related to the accumulation of uric acid.

5. Mushrooms


Mushrooms are low in calories and represent a good option to replace meats rich in fat and calories. However, in this case it is not advisable to add them to the diet, since they can moderately increase the amount of uric acid in the blood.

6. Red meat

Red meats are one of the largest sources of protein for the body and, unfortunately, they also contain the most purines.

Its habitual intake is related to the increased risk of suffering from chronic and inflammatory joint diseases, as well as kidney problems.

This food also contains too much fat and, since it is difficult to digest, it can cause metabolic disorders and difficulties in carrying out detoxification processes.

7. Industrial sauces

barbecue sauce

Industrial sauces have become one of the best complements to hundreds of recipes that we eat on a regular basis.

However, their consumption is discouraged, since they are rich in fats and added compounds that can lead to metabolic difficulties.

These substances alter inflammation in the body and make it difficult for the blood to filter and remove harmful wastes. Try to avoid white, tomato, barbecue, béchamel, and hollandaise sauces.

8. Seafood

Cases of gout and uric acid stones in the kidneys are more common in populations whose diets are based on fish and shellfish.

Although they are foods with many essential nutrients, their high concentration of purines can lead to an excessive accumulation of this substance in the blood.

Although it is not bad to consume them in moderation, it is best to avoid them when you have a condition related to the increase in this substance. Reduce the intake of: shrimp, lobster, clams, crab and scallops in the diet.

Avoiding the aforementioned foods and replacing them with fruits and vegetables with cleansing qualities is key to treating this condition. Improve your eating habits and consult your doctor to avoid complications.

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