8 Foods That Are Bad For Your Skin

It is important that we verify the origin of the products we consume, that we always opt for those of ecological origin and that we avoid processed ones, which can favor the appearance of wrinkles

Do you know the foods that can affect the health of your skin? Keep reading and find out.

We know that food is directly related to our health, and the state of our skin is not saved from it.

Showing off beautiful, radiant and hydrated skin requires many special cares where food plays an important role, since it acts internally on the general health of our skin.

Taking this into account, we know that there are many foods that can be of great benefit to our skin, but likewise, there are also other foods that can negatively influence this aspect.

Packaged and processed foods

This type of food is not recommended for any type of diet, since in addition to providing very few nutrients, they are characterized by having high levels of saturated fats and sugars.

With this in mind, those who include many packaged and processed foods in their diet could have a nutritional deficiency and this will be reflected in the health of their skin. Foods of this type can cause dehydration in the skin and promote the appearance of wrinkles.

Non organic products


Non-organic products are characterized by having traces of hormones, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and waxes, which come from an alteration process to offer a product with certain characteristics, but less healthy for our body.

Although there is no specific study that determines that these foods are bad for the skin, different investigations have shown that some non-organic foods contain hormones and pesticides that disrupt motor skills and are linked to the development of certain types of diseases.

But in addition to this, organic food has also been proven to have more vitamins and minerals than non-organic food.


Today many of the animals that they prepare to sell as meat are subjected to the use of certain chemicals and hormones that accelerate their growth with minimal effort.

However, the use of these compounds can directly affect the consumer, since the meat is affected with the chemicals and hormones applied to the animal.

As a consequence, they can create hormonal imbalances in our body, favoring the appearance of acne and inflammations on our skin. Ideally, opt for animal meat produced on organic farms.


It is recommended to reduce the intake of shellfish, since it has been determined that its excesses can promote the appearance of acne. This is because shellfish, such as shrimp and lobsters, are rich in iodine and this compound affects the skin, putting it at risk of acne.


This product, and even more so if it is refined sugar, can affect our body internally and promote the development of diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

But in addition to this, its excessive consumption weakens the skin, reduces the production of collagen and thus accelerates the aging process of the skin.


The excessive consumption of salt also affects our body and in the case of the skin, it makes it lose elasticity. Internally, salt promotes fluid retention and this generates inflammation. As a consequence, skin cells are more prone to damage and it is there that it appears less elastic.

Dairy products


Although applying dairy products externally on the skin is something that softens it and makes it look more beautiful, its consumption is not the most recommended for skin care.

This feed is affected by the growth hormones that are applied to cows in large industries, as a consequence, this stimulates the production of seborrheic glands and makes the person more prone to acne.

Fried foods

It is no secret to anyone that fried foods are the least recommended for health, since they are usually rich in saturated fat and sodium, these two compounds negatively affect the body. They cause an increase in bad LDL cholesterol, cardiovascular problems and affecting the rate of metabolism.

But in addition, it has also been found that these foods affect blood circulation, preventing oxygen from reaching the skin cells correctly, so it can accelerate the aging process, the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines.

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