7 Ways To Use Overripe Fruit

One of the most useful preparations for ripe fruit is to prepare jams. Above all, don’t ever throw it away. You can give it many uses.

Fruits are one of the healthiest foods with the highest nutrient content that nature gives us. Nutrition experts and health professionals recommend eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day for the body to work properly. But what do we do with overripe fruits?

Many people believe that overripe fruits are already “past” and should be thrown away, however, this is a mistake since there are many ways to take advantage of them to enjoy their sweet taste and all the properties that it concentrates when they have reached all its maturity.

If you are part of the group of people who continue to waste ripe fruits because they do not know what to do with them, do not miss the following 7 ways to use them in your kitchen.


Grapes are one of the overripe fruits that can be used.

When grapes begin to ripen a lot, they soften and can go bad quickly.

So that this does not happen, once they begin to soften, wash them, put them to dry and then store them in plastic bags in the freezer. To take advantage of them, you can make the following preparations:

  • Grape dessert.
  • Grape juice.
  • Mixed in sorbets or shakes.
  • Fruitcake.
  • Grape jam.
  • Sauce for meats.

Do not forget that this fruit contains a large amount of tannins, phytonutrients that have been shown to be beneficial in managing metabolic pathologies.


Although berries can be kept in the refrigerator for a few days, it is best to avoid giving them moisture, as they can spoil or become moldy.

When the strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are very ripe, ideally, you should store them in a resealable plastic bag and place them in the freezer. When you want to use them you can give them the following uses:

  • Fruit smoothies.
  • Preparation of jams.
  • Fruit cake.
  • Ice cream preparation.
  • Jelly or desserts.

Berries contain anthocyanins, antioxidants capable of neutralizing the formation of free radicals and improving health. This is evidenced by a study published in the journal Nutrients .


Apples can last a long time at room temperature or in the refrigerator. However, when they mature a lot, their texture becomes mealy and the taste a little sweeter. So that you do not stop taking advantage of it, remember the following preparations:

  • Apple pie.
  • Jam preparation.
  • Grated in salads.
  • Applesauce.
  • Grated in stir-fries and stews.
  • Masks for the face.
  • Juices and smoothies.

There is evidence that indicates that apple pectin is one of the best fibers to guarantee the biodiversity of the microbiota. This reduces intestinal problems and aging.


Bananas are one of the fruits that ripen the fastest and that change the most in terms of flavor and texture.

When they are too ripe, their color turns brown, the taste is very sweet and the texture is soft. Despite this, bananas can be used in:

  • Banana bread.
  • Biscuits and sweets.
  • Juices or sorbets.
  • Banana daiquiris.
  • Compote for babies.
  • Banana potito.
  • Masks for the skin and hair.

Citrus fruits

These types of fruits are the ones that can last the longest in the refrigerator without showing major changes as they ripen.

When they are ripening, what you can do is grate their peel and store it in the freezer; Also, you can squeeze the juice and freeze it.

Both parts of these fruits can be used to:

  • Prepare juices.
  • Add to fruit smoothies.
  • Soup preparation.
  • Sauces and jams.
  • Cocktails and frozen drinks.
  • Preparation of homemade ice cream.
  • Desserts.


Overripe fruits can also be used.

When ripening well, pineapple is juicy and has a sweet flavor that goes well with many recipes.

If you don’t want to eat it right away, you can peel it, dice it, store it in bags, and put it in the freezer. When you want to use it, you can take into account the following preparations:

  • Cooked with sugar to add to salads, desserts and pizza.
  • Prepare natural juice or fruit smoothies.
  • Make a face mask.
  • Prepare dessert.
  • Make a jam.
  • Pineapple candy.
  • Pineapple cake or biscuits.


Guavas tend to have a sour touch, but when ripe they are sweet and soft in texture. This delicious fruit rich in antioxidants can be prepared in many ways when you think they are no longer used.

If your guavas have matured, keep the following recipes in mind :

  • Guava sauce for meat and chicken.
  • Guava mousse.
  • Cakes and muffins.
  • Fruit smoothies or guava juice.
  • Guava marmalade.
  • Guava sweet or “bocadillo”.
  • Tropical punch.
  • Flan and other desserts.

Use ripe fruits

According to what we have told you, it is possible to give uses to fruits that have exceeded their optimum point of ripeness. Keep in mind that in many cases these will have less starches and a higher presence of simple sugars, which may not be suitable for everyone.

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