7 Tips To Prevent Obesity

Drinking water is very important to maintain your line and eliminate toxins. In addition, water also helps us not to eat too much, giving us a feeling of satiety.

We propose tips to prevent obesity. Because obesity can and should be prevented. In fact, prevention is the key to any health-related issue. Recognizing the symptoms of a problem before it actually becomes a problem is what could best define it.

Remember that it is never too late to start a healthy life.

1st. Stay active

The feet of a person jogging

One of the best ways to prevent obesity is to live an active lifestyle. Simple activities like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking to the store can help us enormously.

Other people enjoy going to the gym, but it is not essential. It is enough to move, to stay active. In fact, there are many ways to exercise : going for a walk, running, biking, swimming, exercising at home like yoga, etc.

2nd. Eat healthy

The FDA recommends an average consumption of 2,000 calories per day,  appropriately distributed so that all nutrients are consumed (proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, etc.)

So you can tailor your diet to meet these FDA standards. Without a doubt, it is one of the most effective ways to prevent obesity.

3rd. Control your weight

Person weighing himself

It is important to weigh yourself once a week to control your weight. If you notice that you are starting to gain, you should take the appropriate steps to lose that weight.

You know, physical exercise and a balanced diet.

4th. Drink water

Many times people often confuse dehydration with the feeling of hunger hunger.

The FDA recommends drinking eight to 10 glasses of water a day, as water cleanses and detoxifies all impurities in our system. In addition, according to  studies,  not hydrating well could increase fatigue, cause headaches and cause loss of concentration.

On the other hand, remember that it is important that it be natural water, without additives or sugars.

5th. Get a medical check-up at least once a year

body mass index

Doctors advise adults to get a medical checkup once a year to prevent and / or control possible complications.

If a problem is caught early, it can be treated quickly and with a greater chance of success. In addition to the checkup, it is also important that it is accompanied by information, education and personalized advice.

6th. Keep junk food out of your house

Junk food in bags.

Junk food is often hard to resist. However, be smart and don’t eat this type of food. You will only be damaging your health.

The only thing you will achieve with this type of diet is to gain weight, raise your LDL cholesterol levels, have a fatty liver and clog your arteries. All of this could lead to strokes, among other complications.

7th. Eat only when you are hungry

Woman choosing between healthy food or junk food

Some people can be naturally thin due to two factors: 

1- They only eat when they are hungry. Only eating when our body tells us to do so is a good way to prevent obesity.

2- Genetic inheritance. Their genetics come with that information, but they still cannot be trusted, because this does not mean that they will continue to be thin for life if they have poor eating habits and are not physically active.

Remember to follow these 7 tips and you will not have to worry about weight, much less about having obesity problems. If you decide to follow a specific diet or make a change in your diet, do not forget to do it with a nutritionist, who will know how to help you.

Image courtesy of Emilio Labrador.

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