7 Tips To Calm Anxiety When Dieting

Have you suffered from anxiety when dieting? Anyone who is going through the experience of wanting to lose weight can say it: following a regimen is not easy (we are talking, of course, about healthy and balanced diets supervised by professionals).

Now, the reality is that doing a diet implies carrying out a series of processes: changing habits, eating other types of foods that we may not be used to, taking care of fats and calories … And of course, the desired results take time. to arrive and we often despair.

We must be clear, despair does not lead us anywhere. It is important to have patience and perseverance.

There is a very common mistake made by dieters: everyone has a short-term, temporary goal. Unfortunately, neither the body nor the mind works like this.

Dieting, or taking care of your diet, is not something that can be done in the short term or for a specific situation. It is a lifetime commitment.

If this is your case, if at this very moment you are following a diet,  there are certain guidelines that you can follow to reduce the feeling of anxiety.

Anxiety when dieting, why does it appear?

Anxiety when it comes to dieting can appear due to many different factors. A first aspect that we cannot neglect is the following: poor diet also affects our mood.

For example, as a study carried out at the University of Aberdeem explains, if we learn to choose the right foods, anxiety can be reduced. Therefore, it must be clear that it is necessary to consult with nutritionists so that this diet is not causing adverse effects.

Other triggers of anxiety during this time when we are trying to lose weight can be the following:

  • Follow a diet in which we experience hunger.
  • Have very high expectations in that diet plan.
  • Neglecting minerals and other nutritional components in our diet that favor this state.
  • Wanting to lose weight fast in a short time.
  • The family and personal environment can also add some pressure or discomfort when it comes to losing weight.

Simple tips to calm anxiety when dieting

woman who wants to calm anxiety when dieting

1. Consult a nutritionist

We pointed it out a moment ago. Dieting shouldn’t make us anxious. Sometimes this change in our mood is the result of a poor diet.

Therefore, it is necessary to have professional advice when making a change in our diet. If we neglect certain nutrients our health will be affected.

2. Soups

Before eating your dinner or lunch, having a soup is an excellent idea. They will offer you a feeling of fullness and that way you won’t need to overeat. Ideally, they should be defatted and homemade soups. If they are made from vegetables, such as pumpkin, much better: that way, you add vegetables to your diet.

Natural soups are healthy if you prepare them without fat, with little salt and using vegetables: you just have to boil and process these foods to make a rich soup. You can even store it in your freezer and have it ready whenever you want.

3. Light jellies

Light gelatins do not provide calories and as they are almost 100% water, they help you stay hydrated. Therefore, every time you feel hungry, instead of resorting to a snack or a candy, remember: better a light jelly.

You can add pieces of fruit to make them even healthier and more tasty.

4. Don’t skip meals

apples to calm anxiety when dieting

One way to reduce anxiety when dieting is to practice mindful eating . It is a simple and very beneficial practice.

This strategy derives from Mindfulness, that discipline of oriental tradition where we learn to be present, appreciating the here and now while we meditate.

This idea can be applied in food to reduce tensions, anxieties and stress. The strategies to carry out mindful eating would be the following:

  • Eat in a quiet space, without noise, without rushing.
  • Make sure that all the foods you are going to eat are on the same plate.
  • Eat slowly, chewing little by little and being fully aware of each flavor, each nuance.
  • Eating should be a relaxed act, where you are focused on the here and now. Do not think about what you will do next or what has already happened, the essential thing is you and your diet.

    In conclusion. These strategies to reduce anxiety when it comes to dieting can help you reach your goal. Be consistent and never hesitate to follow professional advice to lose weight with health and wellness.

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