7 Simple Tips To Lose Weight Fast In A VERY Healthy Way

Losing weight fast and without putting your health at risk is easier than we think. You do not need strange remedies, or intense sessions in the gym, and even less eat less than what the body needs. This objective supposes, above all, to change habits. It may surprise us, but our lifestyles and food are the result of a type of culture and even education that we are not always aware of.

Likewise, realizing these aspects and daring to change them successfully requires a willpower that, in principle, not all of us have. There are times when restricting your sugar intake requires something as simple as stopping buying it. Doing so and complying with it also requires that we have the support of the family.

Another aspect that we should integrate into our thinking patterns is that a diet should not be “temporary. To stay at our ideal weight, the most positive thing is to integrate a healthy way of eating in the day to day, and not in specific periods when we accumulate a few extra kilos. Eating well is a must, not a temporary option.

Tips to lose weight fast and healthy

Next, we reveal 7 keys to know how to lose weight quickly but, at the same time, healthy and recommended.

1. Medical check-up

To lose weight fast and with health it is necessary, first of all, to go through a medical check-up

To lose weight with health it is necessary, first of all, to undergo a medical check-up.

Sometimes, having gained a few extra kilos can be due to very specific diseases, such as hypothyroidism.

  • When starting any diet, it is a priority that doctors inform us about such basic indicators as the level of cholesterol, sugar, the parameters of our tension …
  • To lose weight fast we are going to have to do sports. In order to avoid unnecessary risks, it is convenient to rule out heart problems. Or even simple anemias that will make us feel more tired than usual. It should be borne in mind that exercise has proven to be the most useful tool for improving body composition status.

    So, do not hesitate: do a simple check-up and, when you have the approval of your doctor, start with the rest of the advice.

    2. A glass of warm water with lemon as soon as you get up

    We know that this simple advice is already known to you. Even more, it is very possible that you already apply it on a day-to-day basis.

    • Either way, starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water on an empty stomach is a great way to cleanse toxins. That is, you help to take care of the liver, regulate constipation and prepare the body for a healthy diet.
    • If you think the juice of a whole lemon is too strong for you, feel free to reduce the amount to your own tolerance.

    3. 1 minute of exercise before breakfast

    Performing physical exercise is essential to lose weight fast

    Once we have had that glass of warm water with lemon, we will start a simple routine of aerobic exercises.

    • It is a very ideal time to move the body and thus promote fat loss.
    • Our insulin level is a little lower than normal and, therefore, the energy we use to exercise will be obtained directly from stored fat deposits.
    • Just do 10 minutes of walking and vary the type of exercise each day: push-ups, squats, dancing or even yoga, whatever you prefer.

    4. Oatmeal in your breakfast

    Oatmeal is one of the best foods to start your day. Likewise, it is essential that that first meal of the day is varied and balanced.

    • To lose weight fast, the last thing we have to do is skip meals. In that case, what we would achieve would be a much slower metabolism, experiencing dangerous drops in blood sugar and arriving at the main meal of the day too hungry.
    • However, something as simple as preparing a good bowl of oatmeal will ensure that we obtain a perfect supply of fiber and minerals (such as iron, sodium, zinc, magnesium, potassium or folic acid).
    • It should be noted that the fiber in oats is capable of positively impacting the microbiota, improving their health. This is indicated by a study published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

    Likewise, thanks to the omega 6 fatty acids or linoleic acid we manage to regulate cholesterol.

    5. Eat natural foods and completely restrict processed foods

    Chickpea salad for fast weight loss

    This advice is, without a doubt, the one that will cost us the most to carry out. It will be because it implies the following:

    • We must always consume fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Avoid all kinds of sweets, pastries, salt, refined flours, pickles or snacks.
    • We must substitute refined flour bread for whole grain bread.
    • Pasta, as well as rice, must be whole grain.
    • It is important to restrict sauces such as mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese spreads …
    • Goodbye to carbonated drinks, as well as packaged juices: consume only natural drinks.

    Keep in mind that most of these products contain trans fats in their composition, foods that are capable of increasing the risk of getting sick according to the most recent scientific evidence.

    6. Exercise divided into two sessions of half an hour

    If the goal is to lose weight fast, we must exercise. Now, before getting tired in a one-hour session, the ideal is to distribute our exercise table at different times of the day:

    • As soon as we get up a 10-minute session.
    • At noon we will establish a 20 minute exercise routine (if they are of high intensity the effect will be healthier).
    • In the afternoon, and thus avoiding the central hours of the sun, it would be ideal for you to go out for a walk or run. Half an hour is enough.

    7. Be careful, you need to sleep more than 6 hours every night

    Sleeping less than 6 hours on a regular basis can lead to overweight

    More than one may be surprised by this fact, but sleeping less than 6 hours on a regular basis will make us overweight and increase the risk of diabetes.

    • If this is your case, if you suffer from chronic insomnia, consult your doctor for a strategy to obtain a deep and restorative rest.
    • Sleeping between 7 and 8 hours will make the body carry out the basic cleansing functions to take care of the metabolism and thus promote faster weight loss.

    It is possible to lose weight in a healthy way

    Go ahead and put into practice the advice outlined here. Sometimes, just living a healthy life is enough to lose those extra pounds. Keep in mind that this will significantly improve your health, reducing the risk of developing complex pathologies in the medium and long term.

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