7 Simple Changes You Should Start TODAY To Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

We invite you to start today to carry out a series of changes with a very specific purpose: to enhance your cardiovascular health. It is necessary to become aware of the importance of attending to our heart and remember that, if it fails, becomes weak or ill, our quality of life can be seriously diminished, regardless of age.

Today in our space we propose that you start a “little revolution”. The one that will improve your quality of life because you are going to start “thinking” from the heart to promote your well-being.

Improve our cardiovascular health

As curious as it may seem, it is almost incredible how and in what way we neglect in our day to day that wonderful organ that pumps right in the center of our rib cage. Although yes, we perceive his heartbeat more on the left side because his muscles fall more towards this orientation.

We unconsciously neglect your well-being.  We choose, for example, a more sedentary life, a poor diet rich in saturated fat … Even when we let stress and the demon of anxiety alter the calm of the heart, its balance or its well-being.

Therefore, below we propose some changes in your lifestyle. They may seem simple, but they will consistently give you great results to improve your cardiovascular health and prevent health problems.

1. Substitute olive oil for butter

If you are one of those who loves to have a good toast with butter and jam every day, change your habits. Choose a quality extra virgin olive oil beforehand and enjoy this sensational proposal that combines almost everything: it can be an ideal complement to your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Likewise, another healthy habit that reminds us of the Mediterranean diet is that it is always more advisable to cook with a good jet of olive oil rather than with butter. Your dishes will be much healthier and tastier.

2. Eat fish 3 times a week

It is interesting to know that cold water fish, such as tuna, mackerel or herring, are the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Unlike meat, these types of fish are very beneficial for our cardiovascular health.
  • They provide us with potassium, magnesium and niacin, three components that, together with fatty acids, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries and take care of the heart.

However, try to buy fish that you know well the origin of. Because, sometimes, they can have pollutants that directly affect our health.

3. Substitute salt for some spices

Discover the spices

Salt enhances the flavor of food. That is something we all know and an aspect that, in turn, has a long tradition in our culinary history. That is why it is so difficult for us (especially for hypertensive people) to have to eliminate salt from the diet. And is that … how to do it if, in the end, our dishes do not taste like anything?

The option to this problem is simple as well as great: we can use the following spices.

  • Dill : Ideal for soups and fish.
  • Garlic powder.
  • Lemon juice powder: It is a natural concentrate that gives our dishes great flavor.
  • Onion powder: It has a good flavor and is also anti-inflammatory.

4. Include a good bowl of oatmeal in your breakfast

In our space we tell you very often: one of the best foods you can eat to take care of your heart health is oatmeal.

  • Oatmeal has six essential amino acids, it is rich in unsaturated fats and linoleic acid.
  • Regulates glucose levels and is rich in vitamins (E, B1, B2) and minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium)
  • Thanks to all these components, our heart is cared for, cared for and ready to start the day with maximum energy.

 5. 20 minutes of exercise a day to take care of your cardiovascular health


We all have 20 free minutes at the end of the day to dedicate it to our heart, our body, muscles, bones and respiratory system… Now, the essential thing is to put will and make ourselves aware that we must do some exercise.

  • Just go for a walk, a run, climb stairs, ride a bike or even dance. Choose, yes, aerobic routines.

6. 20 minutes of calm and meditation

Meditation, as well as knowing how to disconnect from mind, body, responsibilities and even technology is not only very relaxing. In addition, it is very healthy. Our mind and our cardiovascular health will appreciate it, because, with this, we purify tensions, ruminant thoughts, obsessions, pressures …

  • Try it today! Meditate, give yourself 20 minutes of silence and calm.

7. Yes to a lemon juice a day

lemon juice for cardiovascular health

Lemon juice is refreshing, healthy and a perfect ally for our heart health.

  • Do you know the reason? Lemons are rich in potassium and magnesium, two minerals that help normalize blood pressure.
  • In addition, these citrus fruits are very rich in various types of antioxidants such as bioflavonoids, very necessary to protect our arteries and keep them flexible and free of plaque.

So, and to conclude, do not hesitate to include these simple tips to improve your cardiovascular health each day. They are easy to carry out and can change our lives for the better.

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