7 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip Breakfast

Did you know that eating a balanced breakfast every morning helps you face the day with more energy and even improves your mood? It can also be key to dealing with stress

Until a few years ago, many thought that skipping breakfast was a healthy way to save calories. Ignoring this first meal suggested that a great effort was being made to reduce excess pounds.

However, nutritionists warned that this practice was harmful to health and, far from helping to lose it, could influence overweight.

Its daily consumption is one of the main sources of energy for the body, which is key to optimal physical and mental performance. In addition, its nutrients influence metabolic activity, being decisive for losing weight in a healthy way.

Beyond this, a good breakfast provides the body with other benefits that promote well-being. For this reason, below we will explain the 7 reasons why it is not convenient to skip breakfast.

7 reasons why skipping breakfast is not recommended

Wake up with energy.

1. Gives you energy

Although the rest period is key to having physical and mental energy the next day, it is essential to complement it with the intake of a complete and healthy breakfast. It provides the body with the nutrients it requires to activate its functions.

Its intake favors muscle and joint health, so that it improves the ability to perform tasks of high physical demand. In addition, it is ideal for strengthening brain functions and achieving better concentration during the tasks of the day.

2. Prevents stress

People who often skip breakfast tend to fall into episodes of stress more easily compared to those who take enough time to eat well at this time.

The foods consumed in this meal help improve the body’s response to threatening or difficult situations. These contain nutrients that slow down the excessive production of cortisol, a type of hormone responsible for stress and other emotional imbalances.

3. Helps you have a healthy weight

Helps to lose weight.

As already mentioned, a complete and nutritious breakfast is one of the keys to losing weight in a healthy way. This activates metabolic functions from the first moment of the day and, during the day, helps to optimize energy expenditure.

On the other hand, food helps prolong the feeling of satiety, while reducing episodes of anxiety about food.

4. It is key to gaining muscle mass

During breakfast, the body is provided with sources of protein, carbohydrates and antioxidant substances that, together, contribute to gaining muscle mass.

These nutrients help to achieve optimal utilization of energy sources for the body and, therefore, improve performance during sports activities.

5. Improve your mood

Woman smiling.

Irritability and depression are often linked to eating habits. People who skip breakfast tend to fall into negative moods more easily.

Since it largely depends on the body’s energy level, it is essential to consume it every day to be in a good mood.

Nutrients provided by food help stimulate brain and nervous system activity. Thus, they enhance the work of well-being hormones.

6. Protect your cognitive health

As the first significant source of nutrients of the day, breakfast is a “fuel” that, at the brain level, helps to achieve better performance. Foods of good nutritional quality optimize mental concentration, as well as short and medium term memory.

Those who take enough time to eat breakfast have a lower risk of premature cognitive decline and conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

7. Improve your quality of life

Woman eating salad.

Therefore, in addition to its ability to prevent disease, breakfast is a habit that improves quality of life. Those who start spending at least 20 minutes a day, basing it on healthy foods, notice the difference.

When ingested, the immune system is strengthened and the risk of respiratory problems, infections and inflammatory disorders is reduced. It also benefits cardiovascular health and is essential for good digestion.

Do you take the time to have a good breakfast? Now that you know its benefits, try to consume it every day and verify that it contains quality sources of nutrients. Avoid replacing it with processed foods or foods loaded with refined flours and sugars.

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