7 Natural Ways To Reduce Breast Sensitivity

Although it may seem counterproductive to you, exercising helps us eliminate toxins and favors the purification of waste, so it will help us mitigate the pain of breasts

During the menstrual cycle, breast tenderness increases due to a series of changes due to hormonal activity. Although this symptom does not represent a serious health problem, it can sometimes be so severe that it disrupts daily activities.

In addition, about 7 or 10 days before menstruation, it  is common for your sensitivity to increase and cause some discomfort.

In medical terms it is known as fibrocystic disease and it is characterized by alterations in the breast tissues when the ovarian hormonal cycles are fulfilled. The condition disappears after reaching menopause, although not all women perceive it the same, and some do not even feel it.

However, it is important to bear in mind that, if it becomes frequent and outside of the days mentioned, the specialist should be consulted to analyze other possible causes.

Although there is no solution that allows this discomfort to disappear completely, there are some remedies and habits that help reduce it. Here we share the 7 best so that you do not hesitate to use them every time you feel it. Take note!

1. Avoid the consumption of alcohol and caffeine

Avoid alcohol and caffeine consumption

If breast tenderness is part of your life, avoid alcoholic or caffeinated beverages as much as possible. Both contain stimulating substances that dilate blood vessels, increasing pressure and sensitivity.

Also, they sometimes lead to fluid buildup in the breast tissue, making pain worse.

2. Make dietary changes

Without you paying much attention to it, some of your eating habits are influencing the recurrence of this ailment. The excessive consumption of salt, sugars and fats causes fluid retention and toxins, two main causes of imbalances in inflammatory processes.

Therefore, it is best to moderate them as much as possible and choose healthier alternatives such as fruits, vegetables and complete carbohydrates. For this particular case, it is beneficial to consume more vitamin B and Omega 3 essential fatty acids.

3. Consume cranberry juice

Consume cranberry juice

Consuming cranberry juice before and during the menstrual period helps reduce inflammation caused by fluid retention. Its antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals play a relevant role in hormonal balance, another factor that influences this symptom.

Of course, these effects are only achieved when it is of 100% natural origin, since commercial juices do not have the same properties.

4. Avoid wearing tight bras

A bra that is too tight will put pressure on the breast tissues and, in some cases, make it difficult for you to circulate. To reduce pain and the feeling of heaviness, wear bras of the appropriate size throughout the month and, while sensitivity lasts, opt for cotton tops.

5. Get physically active

Do physical activity

The daily practice of at least 30 minutes of exercise keeps stress and the accumulation of wastes in the blood at bay. Walking, yoga, or cycling are some of the activities you can do to avoid this pain.

6. Apple cider vinegar compresses

Apple cider vinegar hot compresses are a good natural remedy when breast pain increases. The heat helps to relax the tissue and stimulates circulation. For its part, apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory and decongestant qualities that generate a feeling of relief.

You need

  • 2 absorbent cloths
  • ΒΌ cup of apple cider vinegar (62 ml)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)

What should you do?

  • Heat the water until it reaches a bearable temperature for the skin.
  • Dip the cloths in the hot liquid, drain them, and soak them with the apple cider vinegar.
  • Put a cloth over each breast and leave them until cool.
  • Repeat the same process if you consider it necessary.

7. Evening primrose oil massage

Evening primrose oil massage

With a simple massage you will improve circulation and reduce the tension that accompanies this discomfort. If you use evening primrose oil you will achieve a better result, since its fatty acids and anti-inflammatory agents mitigate the pain.

How to use?

  • Pour several drops of the oil into the palms of your hands and rub it over your breasts in gentle circular motions.
  • Use it twice a day until you feel relief.

    Finally, the habits mentioned here are a great help to improve this annoying symptom; however, keep in mind that its effects vary in each case and are not achieved immediately. In addition, visiting a doctor should always be the first option as soon as a symptom appears or something is not going well.

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