7 Fabulous Keys To Take Care Of Your Liver At Breakfast

The liver is the largest internal organ and weighs between 1.3 and 1.8 kilograms. In turn, it requires 13% of the body’s blood supply and performs about 500 different functions.

If you have already suffered from some type of liver ailment, you will undoubtedly know how it affects your quality of life. Tiredness, poor digestion, weakness, jaundice, abdominal pain, fluid retention … We live pending our outside world. Of multiple stimuli, of those pressures and concerns of the environment that, little by little, make a dent in the organism.

We propose something simple, interesting and very healthy. Start taking care of your liver health from breakfast. We explain how.

1. Coffee for the liver? Yes please


That’s how it is. If you wanted to know if coffee is suitable or not for the liver, the answer is yes. According to a study carried out by scientists from the universities of Edinburgh and Southampton (United Kingdom) in 2015, drinking two cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of liver disease.

  • Coffee, thanks to its antioxidants, reduces the presence of the gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase (GGT) enzyme in the blood, one of the biomarkers used in relation to cirrhosis.
  • It also reduces bad cholesterol or LDL and fights inflammation of liver cells.

Therefore, coffee has a very adequate protective effect for our liver health. It is not advisable to abuse it either, but that morning cup will be ideal to activate you and, in turn, optimize many of those tasks that the liver must carry out.

2. Garlic

In our space we talk to you very often about the benefits of consuming garlic. If you want to take care of your liver health, do not lose the habit. Thanks to the sulfurous compounds in garlic we will be able to facilitate the elimination of toxins.

Garlic, in turn, contains high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that fight inflammation and promote cleansing and many of its metabolic processes. The regular intake of this food has proven to be very beneficial, also for the liver. Its consumption protects against the damage caused by alcohol.

3. A toast with extra virgin olive oil

Bread with olive oil and herbs

Having a toast of bread with olive oil is something delicious, healthy and very common in the Mediterranean diet. Choose a bread that contains whole grains, such as rye bread. Afterwards, pour some extra virgin olive oil on top and enjoy.

The liver will appreciate its fatty acids, especially oleic acid, which helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels and promote arterial vasodilation.

4. Red grapefruit or grapefruit

Among all the grapefruit varieties, choose the red one. It is the highest content in lycopene, a carotenoid pigment with much more antioxidant power than vitamins A and C, also present in this fruit. Grapefruit will help you eliminate toxins thanks to a type of flavonoid called naringenin.

5. Oatmeal for fatty liver

Oatmeal is that type of cereal that should never be missing from our breakfast. It is very nutritious and also purifying: thanks to its amino acids it helps us to stimulate the production of lecithin in the liver.

Lecithin is a fabulous substance to help us purge toxins from the body. At the same time, oatmeal will allow you to regulate your blood sugar level and obtain a high level of vegetable proteins that are very suitable for promoting liver health. This is evidenced by a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology .

6. Avocado

There are several reasons why you should not exceed avocado consumption.

A spectacular option is to spread half an avocado on a slice of rye bread. In addition to being palatable, it is healthy.

Avocado is rich in beta-sitosterol. It is a plant compound that helps us reduce cholesterol. Likewise, something that we cannot forget is that this fruit with an almond flavor and smooth is recommended for liver health thanks to its high glutathione content.

7. Apples

Choose the proposal that most appeals to you: grated apple, cut into pieces with a little honey and cinnamon, laminated with walnuts and brown sugar or a whole one that you can enjoy bite by bite. Stay with the option that you like the most, because all of them will take care of liver health thanks to its high content of antioxidants and pectin.

Improve diet to ensure liver health

To conclude, we will tell you that all the foods mentioned here will help you take care of your liver from breakfast. However, don’t forget to combine these suggestions with some protein : some eggs, some turkey breast …

It’s just about eating well, in a balanced way, and avoiding the fat content and empty calories found in industrial pastries and sugar. Also remember to rest properly at night to promote the body’s recovery processes.

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