6 Tips To Heal A Child’s Wounds

Do you know what you have to do to heal a child’s wounds? It is important to know how to act, so this time we share some recommendations.

Scrapes, scratches and cuts are part of the daily life of the little ones. Therefore, before losing your cool in such a situation, it is important to know how to heal a child’s wounds and what procedure to follow for proper cleaning and disinfection.

But first of all, it is essential to evaluate if it is the typical superficial wounds or if it is a type of injury that requires medical intervention. When there is heavy bleeding or its edges do not meet, it is best to go to the emergency room, in case the child needs stitches or other treatments.

If, on the other hand, it is something mild, then it is advisable to learn some simple measures to treat them at home. What to do in these cases? What are the remedies that can be used? Next, we will solve these questions for you and clarify which errors should be avoided.

The best tips to heal a child’s wounds

How to heal the wounds of a child.

The first step in healing a child’s wounds is to remain calm. Sometimes the reactions of adults to the presence of blood increase fear in children and the situation becomes stressful. Therefore, it is essential to transmit security and make them understand that everything will be fine.

Then, after evaluating the severity of the injury, it is time to proceed to disinfect it to avoid generating an infection. The indicated thing is to use disposable gloves so that the hands do not have direct contact with the blood and the exposed area.

1. Rinse with soap and water to heal a child’s wounds

The cheapest and most accessible disinfectant is water with neutral soap. So, after the blood has stopped flowing, the first thing to do, as this information from the American Academy of Pediatrics  (AAP) points out, is to  wipe the injured area, taking care not to mistreat the skin any more.. One of the objectives will be to remove the remains of dirt or blood in order to treat the wound as such.

2. Apply an antiseptic

The application of an antiseptic has two objectives when healing a child’s wounds: on the one hand, to eliminate the microbes that may have remained despite washing. On the other, it  has a protective effect that prevents the injury from becoming contaminated in later hours. When putting it on the injury, it should start from the center towards the edges.

Thus, germs cannot pass from the periphery into the wound. It should also be applied with the help of a sterile gauze or clean cloth. In these cases, options such as chlorhexidine are recommended, which does not cause irritation.

3. Wear protection

Using a bandage when treating a child's wounds

Since they are small, non-gravity erosions, it is not necessary to cover them. However, if there is a risk of rubbing or contamination, it is best to cover it with a soft or soft bandage.

4. Use home remedies

There are several natural remedies that can help protect the skin in the absence of a conventional antiseptic. These alternatives, among other things, contain nutrients and properties that help to heal in less time. Some recommended options are:

  • Organic honey.
  • Aloe vera gel.
  • Water with a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil.

5. Repeat disinfection

Although the wound is superficial and there is usually not much risk, it is best to repeat the healing process every time the child takes a shower. In this way, possible infections are avoided.

6. Use sterile gauze

If the wound is bleeding, sterile gauze pads or any clean tissue should be used to try to cut off the circulation a bit. Do not apply too much pressure; it should be direct and smooth. If the bleeding is obviously alarming or if it lasts more than five minutes, it is better to see a doctor.

Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make When Healing a Child’s Wounds

Infected wound of children.

Following the above recommendations is the proper way to heal a child’s wounds. However, it is worth mentioning in a special way those errors that it is better to avoid when handling them at home, so it is always recommended to go to the doctor:

  • Rub roughly to remove dirt.
  • Trying to remove a foreign body on the wound (such as glass, for example).
  • Putting bandages too tight.
  • Use cotton and alcohol.
  • Apply ointments or antibiotics to the wound.
  • Delaying medical assistance when necessary.

Symptoms of wound infection

Despite following the recommendations for treating a child’s wounds, infections are sometimes unavoidable. If this happens, it is best to see a doctor to find out what guidelines to follow for its control. Symptoms of infection can include:

  • Inflammation or edema at the edges of the wound.
  • Redness around the affected skin.
  • Sensation of heat and pricks.
  • Greenish-yellow wound (with pus).
  • Intermittent bleeding

In short, to heal a child’s wounds you have to follow three simple steps: soothe, wash and disinfect. If there are complications or obvious signs of serious injury, then it is best to go to the emergency room as soon as possible.

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