6 Signs That Warn That Something Is Wrong With The Kidneys

As the kidneys do not function normally, the kidneys cannot excrete toxins from the bloodstream and, if they accumulate, they can cause itching and even skin rashes

All people have two kidneys, each about the size of a fist. These important organs play a fundamental role, being responsible for filtering waste from the blood and removing excess fluids to produce urine.

In addition, they play a key role in regulating blood pressure and are responsible for producing some of the hormones that the body requires to function in optimal condition.

Knowing that they have to fulfill such important tasks, it is not surprising that some type of anomaly in them can reduce the quality of life in general.

The main problem is that many of the symptoms that warn of kidney disease appear when it is too advanced and is difficult to control.

Taking into account that an early diagnosis can save the lives of those who suffer from this type of pathology, some signs that could be decisive for its detection have been known for some time .  

Although these signs could appear for other reasons, it is vital to consider them as a reason for consulting the specialist. Get to know them!

1. Changes in urination

changes in urination

The kidneys are responsible for producing urine and therefore it is not surprising that changes in it are a first warning sign of a disease.

First of all, urination habits can change, making it necessary to go to the bathroom more times than usual, especially at night.

An urge to urinate can also occur, but when you get to the bathroom the liquid that is expelled is minimal or null, while feeling a tightness in the lower pelvic part.

Urine can show signs such as:

  • A paler or darker color.
  • Strong smell.
  • More frothy or bubbly.
  • Presence of blood

We recommend you read: 5 serious consequences for putting up with the urge to urinate

2. Fluid retention

fluid retention

Due to the difficulty that these organs have to work when they are sick, fluids are retained in the body’s tissues and cause inflammation in areas such as:

  • The ankles.
  • The legs.
  • The face.
  • Hands.

For this disorder, it is also common to feel more frequently an annoying sensation of heaviness and abdominal swelling.

3. Itching sensation

The toxins present in the bloodstream are eliminated through the kidneys.

As there are inconveniences to carry out this function normally, the person may begin to suffer from rashes on their skin and an annoying sensation of itching or tingling, which even extends to the muscles and bones.

4. Fatigue


One of the kidney’s functions is to produce a hormone known as erythropoietin. This has the task of supporting the body in the production of red blood cells, essential for transporting oxygen through the bloodstream.

As some type of failure or insufficiency occurs, there is also a decrease in hormonal production, so the muscles and the mind tire more easily.

By decreasing energy levels, affected people feel unable to do their daily activities, sleep more than they should, and feel weak all the time.

This condition is also known as anemia and another of its causes is iron deficiency.

5. Changes in taste perception and bad breath

The accumulation of waste in the blood makes the perception of the taste of food different.

In fact, some people have a metallic taste, especially when eating meat. In addition, most have some degree of bad breath, which is very difficult to eliminate.

Many of those who feel this symptom stop eating because they find the taste of the food they eat very unpleasant.

6. Back pain

Back pain

Back pain is so common that many people attribute it to poor posture, overexertion, or stress.

However, the possibility of a kidney problem should not be ruled out, especially if it occurs in the lower part or to the side.

When to be alerted?

All these symptoms should be a reason for medical consultation, regardless of their origin. To turn on the warning signs about a possible kidney problem, it is essential to consider the risk factors that you have, as well as the recurrence of these symptoms.

If two or more of them appear and disappear frequently, or do not disappear despite other treatments, it is best to ask for a medical evaluation.

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