6 Perfect Natural Antiseptics For Your Skin

In this article we will see the best natural antiseptics for your skin care. The skin is one of the largest and most important organs in the body. It is responsible for taking care of the entire surface area, which implies constant and meticulous maintenance. However, the skin is not without any evil at all. Therefore, you should never let your guard down with regard to their care. Especially when it comes to bacterial infections.

Bacteria, the sun’s rays and the action of free radicals are three of the most damaging enemies for skin tissues. When these make their appearance, it is common to suffer from infections, spots and other types of no less important problems.

Wounds and skin

Of course, many of these evils can occur when the surface of the skin is in good condition. However, when wounds are present, the chances of infection are much higher. Medical care depends solely and exclusively on the severity of the condition. Fortunately, in many cases it can be treated from the comfort of home.

How to treat infections with natural antiseptics?

Over time, different alternatives have emerged in order to mitigate infections. However, the landladies have stood out due to their effectiveness and all the benefits they have for the body. Although they are one of the oldest remedies, they are still among the most used. Based on the above, we are going to delve into some perfect natural antiseptics to treat skin problems.

1. Natural antiseptics: the case of honey

everything-you-need-know-about-honeyThis precious thick liquid made by bees is perhaps one of the best natural antiseptics in the world. Honey stands out for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and restorative properties, which help us to regenerate the skin while fighting possible infections present in wounds and other types of skin problems. Although it can be applied alone, in order to achieve more effective and healthy results, it is most recommended to combine it with other beneficial ingredients.

2. Natural antiseptics: thyme

This natural ingredient is perhaps one of the longest-lived antiseptics on the list. History places it in Ancient Egypt, where it was used to rid the environment of various bacterial microorganisms. To take advantage of its benefits we can use it in two ways:

  • Topical application: to treat infections present on the skin.
  • Through infusions: We will add a tablespoon (10 g) of the herb in a cup of water (250 ml) to treat problems of the respiratory system.

3. Natural antiseptics: lavender

To speak of lavender is to refer to an almost incomparable aroma. However, its benefits go beyond its exquisite smell. This plant has excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, making it very suitable for treating wounds on the skin.

4. Natural antiseptics: carrots

Carrot dietIn general terms, the carrot is recognized for the immense benefits that it offers both to the eyes and to the skin, thanks to its great contributions of vitamin C. Beyond being very suitable for consumption, this vegetable is also applied topically contributes to the disinfection of wounds present on the skin. In addition, it prevents both the accumulation and the proliferation of bacteria and other microorganisms.

What should we do?

To take advantage of its benefits, we must make a crushed paste, which we will later apply to the affected area.

5. Propolis as a natural antiseptic

This is another natural antiseptic whose existence we owe to bees. Propolis is a resin used by worker bees to seal the spaces in the combs where the queen bee lies.

  • This is also recognized for its wide use in the treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system, since it helps to  free the airways and fight infections.
  • On the other hand, it is also very effective in treating internal wounds such as sores present in the digestive system.

6. Natural antiseptics: onion

OnionsThe onion is not only an essential food in the diet, but it is also distinguished by its enormous powers in terms of eliminating various bacteria and fungi. To take advantage of its benefits, we can combine it with other ingredients in different recipes and preparations. Likewise, its direct application in crude oil is very suitable to accelerate the healing of  different wounds present on the skin.


In conclusion, even at home we can have ingredients to use as natural antiseptics. However, always remember to use them in moderation and as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Finally, if your infection is more serious or you require special treatment, it is best to see your doctor.

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