6 Home Remedies To Keep Insects Away From Your Home

Thanks to ingredients such as eucalyptus, citrus or incense, we can make homemade repellants for insects, with a pleasant smell and not too strong.

The most annoying insects are mosquitoes and flies. There are times when they seem to be everywhere and there is no way to make them leave the house (or stop entering).

It is then when we consider looking for a solution. In most cases, we use mosquito nets, flyshoes and other related products, in order to minimize the entry of mosquitoes into the home. At other times, we turn to sprays and mosquito repellent pills.

These types of preparations can have a very strong smell (and sometimes, a bit unpleasant), so we do not always want to use them. And the good news is that we don’t have to do it.

It is possible to resort to certain home remedies to scare away insects from the home, in an environmentally friendly way and with a more than bearable smell.

How to repel or eliminate insects from the house?

Some of the elements that can be used to repel or eliminate insects from the house are the following that we are going to tell you about. Take note!

1. Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is a natural product that acts as a repellent and anti-inflammatory.

It is one of the oldest remedies against mosquito bites, since, after its application, it helps to keep them away from the skin.


  • 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil.
  • ¼ cup of water (62 ml).
  • 1 spray bottle.


  • Pour the eucalyptus essential oil into the water and pour it into the spray bottle.
  • Apply it on the skin and rub it in so that it absorbs well.

You can also take advantage of its qualities within the spaces of the home. Make a decoction with some leaves of the plant and let its steam dissipate.

2. Incense and candles

Incenses made from plants or essential oils can also be helpful against little critters.

Citronella, palmarosa ( Cymbopogon martini)  or lemon are inhibitors of mosquitoes, flies, mosquitoes and other species of insects.

These can be put on a regular basis in the various areas of the home, including the garden or terrace.

Scented candles, such as lavender or citrus fruits, can also be used indoors.

3. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar in a bottle

The acids that vinegar contains and its pungent odor are very unpleasant for pests that invade the house. This does not exterminate them, but it does prevent them from entering areas such as the kitchen or bedrooms.


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml).
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml).
  • 1 spray bottle.


  • Mix equal parts water with apple cider vinegar and pour into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the product on all entry points that the insects may have.

4. Mosquito trap bottle

Long before the advent of commercial chemical insecticides, there were a number of tricks to prevent the invasion of vermin.

One of the most effective is known as the mosquito trap bottle, which is nothing more than a plastic bottle with some ingredients that allow them to be attracted inside.

The smell and fermentation are very attractive to insects, causing them to get caught in this trap.


  • 1 piece of black cloth.
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml).
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar (50 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of yeast (5 g).


  • First, you will have to heat the water with the sugar until you get a thick paste.
  • Then cut the plastic bottle in half and let the product cool in it.
  • Next, sprinkle the yeast, without mixing, and insert the neck of the bottle in the shape of a funnel. Carbon dioxide will soon begin to be produced inside.
  • Take a piece of black cloth and use it to line the bottom of the trap.

5. Laurel, another element to scare off insects

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Bay leaves are a good option to ward off those pesky flies that fly in the kitchen or dining room.

You can take advantage of the steam from its infusion  or crush some leaves on a plate to place them in various parts of the home.

You can also make a homemade spray to apply it directly on the insect.


  • 20 drops of bay leaf essential oil.
  • ¼ cup of water (62 ml).
  • 1 spray bottle.


    • Mix the essential oil with the water and spray it using a spray bottle.

    6. Citrus fruits

    Most insects cannot stand the smell and properties of citrus fruits, so they are a great option to keep them away.

    Instead of throwing the shells in the trash, chop them into small pieces and put them on the paths they have inside the house or garden.

    Do you dare to try any of these options?

    Remember that, because they are ecological solutions,  they are not as powerful as chemical products tend to be. However, they are worth trying to be more environmentally friendly.

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