6 Foods To Fight Gallstones

Has your doctor told you that you have stones bile and what is necessary to make changes in your diet? First of all, you must keep calm, well this medical problem is not a serious illness.

Usually, your doctor will advise you on a diet or suggest that you visit a nutritionist who will explain your nutritional needs to you.

If not, or if the information you obtained is incomplete, here are some foods that will help you fight gallstones.

Include them regularly in your diet and remember to reduce your fat intake.

What are gallstones?

Gallstones are small formations derived from the excessive accumulation of bile in the gallbladder.

They can be from tiny, when the problem is detected early, to regular size if you have let time pass without checking the health of your gallbladder.

The bile helps synthesize fats we eat . Therefore, if your diet is rich in unhealthy fats, it is possible that at some point you will develop this problem.

1. Whole grains

Whole grains

A diet rich in fiber helps in the elimination of fat and reduces the risk of gallstones. This is stated in this study carried out by the University of Pisa (Italy).

It is necessary to consume at least one serving of whole grains a day because, as they pass through the intestine, fiber captures excess bile juices and removes them .

In this way they are not reabsorbed and the gallbladder is released. Among the foods you should consume are:

  • Wheat bran
  • Integral rice
  • Oatmeal

2. Buckwheat

The consumption of the so-called buckwheat helps to reduce gallstones and to have a lower amount of body fat, since it is rich in insoluble fiber.

Buckwheat provides us with vitamins B and E and is an excellent source of minerals . If you are one of those people who really love bread, a good option is to change the normal versions for those made based on buckwheat.

3. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are an important natural source of Vitamin C

Citrus fruits have properties that stimulate the expulsion of bile and fight gallstones, so they should be present in your daily diet. This is stated in this research carried out by the Case Western Reserve University (United States).

In addition, citrus fruit juice contains pectin, which is another substance necessary for the elimination of gallstones.

However, when choosing the way in which you will include these foods, it is important that you avoid juices, especially commercial ones.

  • It is a better option to consume the whole fruit, because in this way you also obtain the fiber and other nutrients that remain in the peel or in the pulp.
  • In addition, when you consume only the juice, you run the risk of having glucose spikes that alter other areas of your health.

4. Foods rich in lecithins

In bile there are components such as lecithin, which is responsible for preventing stones from forming in the gallbladder, as stated in this study conducted by the National University of Colombia. When this compound is not in the correct amount, it is when these small stones appear.

By consuming ingredients that contain this component you favor the reduction of the size and risk of stone formation . Among the foods that contain lecithin are:

  • Walnuts
  • Soy
  • Lentils
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Green peas

We recommend including two of these foods in your daily diet. Just remember to watch your portions, as they are rich in carbohydrates and could make you gain unwanted weight.

5. Artichoke


According to this study carried out by the University of Parma, the artichoke is another of the foods that fight gallstones, as it improves the health of the liver and the gallbladder thanks to the fact that it is rich in cynarin.

Cinnarin is the compound that contributes to the stimulation of bile and improves the liver’s ability to perform its functions.

We understand that for some people it is not common to include artichokes in your diet. If you belong to this group, maybe it is a good time to learn new recipes.

In case you prefer something simpler, choose to drink the following artichoke water:


  • 1 small artichoke
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • First, wash and disinfect the artichoke very well.
  • Then, in a container, place the cold water and add the artichoke in small pieces.
  • Then let it sit overnight.
  • The next day, strain the water and drink it throughout the day.

6. Grapes and blueberries

Grapes and blueberries They are rich in resveratrol, a compound with a high index of antioxidants (according to this study carried out by the University of Caldas, in Colombia) that fight the damage that the gallbladder could suffer from gallstones.

In case you are already undergoing treatment to deal with this problem, resveratrol will facilitate your recovery, but always under medical supervision.

  • On the one hand, the ideal is to consume half a cup of grapes or one of fresh blueberries.
  • However, if you don’t have any of these fruits on hand, you can opt for half a glass of cranberry juice.

How to prevent gallstones from accumulating?

If you already have gallstones, your doctor will surely give you some instructions to combat the problem and leave it behind quickly.

In case he told you that the stones are just forming, it is important that:

  • Don’t skip any meals.
  • Avoid being overweight .
  • Reduce your consumption of foods high in fat and unhealthy.

Also, remember to follow the instructions that your doctor has given you.

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