6 Dental Signs That Speak About Your Health

Although these signs may be related to other less serious ailments, it is important to take them into account and bring them to the attention of the specialist in case any treatment is necessary.

In the teeth, gums and the rest of the oral tissue, certain signs are usually observed when there is a health problem.  These dental signs are often ignored, although they could say much more than any other symptom.

The mouth is the letter of introduction of every person, nothing beats a good smile. However,  hundreds of bacteria are housed in it, which if they spread  could lead to different types of diseases.

Proper cleaning that is carried out several times a day, including a good mouthwash, can help maintain oral health in better condition. Still, it is important to watch these dental signs carefully.

Worn and flat teeth

dental signs: worn and flat teeth

  • May indicate: Chronic stress

Some people grind their teeth at night, and are not aware of it. Bruxism can be a sign of stress, both emotional and physical.

In some cases it is possible to notice that the teeth are flattening. There is also a tendency to feel pain when the joint is squeezed. In addition, in some cases recurrent headaches appear.

Brittle and small fissured teeth

  • May indicate: Gastroesophageal reflux

Over the years the teeth are weakened due to the decrease in the enamel that covers and protects them. This symptom is common in older adults, but in lesser cases it could occur in young ages.

When the problem develops at a young age, it is likely that the person has gastroesophageal reflux, that is, stomach acid rises up into the esophagus. Due to the short distance between the esophagus and the teeth, part of the acid reaches them and causes this wear on the enamel.

Mouth ulcers or sores that don’t go away

dental signs: mouth ulcers or sores

  • May indicate: Oral cancer

Sores caused by a bacterial infection are not serious. However, if they do not improve for two or more weeks, or become worse, it could be a symptom of a more important condition.

It would be advisable to go to the specialist to determine what it is, since it could be an indicator of oral cancer. This type of cancer tends to develop more frequently in those over 60 years of age and they rarely survive it, since in most cases it is detected at a very advanced stage.

For this same reason, it is recommended to pay extreme and precise attention in case you observe some type of sore that persists for more than a couple of weeks in the mouth. The ideal would be to go to a specialist, so that he can recommend an appropriate treatment, according to the characteristics of each person.

Swollen gums

  • It may indicate: Problems with medication

This symptom tends to appear regularly in those taking heart health medications and usually occurs as a result of an overdose.

Inflamed gums can cause some pain and in extreme cases can cover an entire tooth, as if it were a lining around it. For this reason, at the first warning sign, it is insisted that it is very important to consult a doctor to detect what the problem is.

Loss of tooth

dental signs: tooth loss

  • May indicate: Gingivitis and periodontitis

With proper oral hygiene it is difficult to lose teeth. However, small infections can cause inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) which, if left untreated, could become worse.

Periodontitis is a generalized inflammation of the tissue that supports the tooth. If it weakens, it could cause the loss of parts. And if left untreated, it could lead to other complications.

Bad breath

  • May indicate: Liver, kidney failure, or intestinal problems

90% of halitosis cases are associated with bacteria that accumulate on the upper part of the tongue, teeth and gums.

In these cases, you will most likely need to improve your oral hygiene to kill germs. However, if this is not enough and the problem persists, it could be indicating  type 2 diabetes, or dysfunctions in the liver, kidneys or intestines.

If you notice any discomfort in the mouth, a slight slight bleeding in the gums, sensitivity to cold, then do not let it go. Go to the specialist before it’s too late.

Finally, it is important to remember the importance of visiting the dentist at least 2 times a year. It is not necessary to wait to present a particular case or something very extreme to take the initiative to go for a basic check-up or a simple cleaning of rigor.

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