6 Changes You Should Make In Your Diet If You Have Hemorrhoids

If you have hemorrhoids you should know that their origin is unknown, although it is believed that they can appear due to an overstrain in the evacuation of the intestines or because of pregnancy. An average of 3 to 4 adults tend to suffer from hemorrhoids and, although they do not cause serious symptoms, they cause itching, pain and bleeding.

They are currently the subject of research and study in the field of medicine, in order to counteract their discomfort in the body and to find a cure. However, if you have hemorrhoids you can make some changes in your lifestyle and diet. Here are six suggestions that can reduce discomfort and contribute to your treatment.

1. Avoid coffee and alcohol

Coffee impairs the functions of the intestine when ingested in large quantities. It causes dehydration, dries up the stool accumulated in the intestine and causes a forced and painful evacuation in those with hemorrhoids .

The same happens with alcohol, as it alters bowel movement, according to research published in the journal Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials . Therefore, in those people with hemorrhoids it is necessary to avoid its consumption and replace it with healthy drinks such as water or juices.

2. Avoid strong seasonings or very spicy foods

Overly spicy or spicy foods irritate the intestinal lining. This creates a feeling of discomfort, irritation and itching in the area where the hemorrhoids are present.

Try to avoid excessive consumption of chili or chili . Chili is usually widely consumed around the world, but in the event that you suffer from any intestinal pathology, its frequent intake may not be recommended.

3. Increase your daily water intake

Dehydration is a key factor if you have hemorrhoids, as it worsens the condition. This is stated by a research published in the journal Tunis Medicine. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day prevents the development of the condition, avoids overexertion of the intestine when evacuating and prevents the body from becoming dehydrated.

In addition, water helps to eliminate toxins from the body, maintains the digestive system healthy and avoid a future outbreak of hemorrhoids. Remember, drinking water is vital and you have to do it frequently. Don’t wait to feel dehydrated to do it.

4. Avoid dairy products

Milk and its derivatives can cause irritation in the intestines and inflammation in the area where there are hemorrhoids. Therefore, it may be advisable to reduce its consumption.

If you also have lactose intolerance, the symptoms may be aggravated. The only dairy that you can consume is yogurt , or those obtained from lactic fermentation . The reason is that it has regulatory properties that benefit digestive health.

In any case, we recommend that you pay attention to your symptoms the day you eat yogurt. If they don’t get worse, keep doing it. Otherwise, you should also avoid it and consider supplementation with probiotics.

5. Increase the consumption of legumes, fruits and vegetables

Legumes and vegetables make a positive contribution of fiber to the body and allow the body to dispose of waste more easily. In the case of hemorrhoids, the consumption of broccoli is particularly beneficial. Research has shown that broccoli it is very favorable when it comes to reducing inflammation and regulating the evacuation process.

Also, fruits like apples and pears have the same effect. Instead,  You should avoid acidic or citrus fruits, as they worsen the symptoms.

6. If you have hemorrhoids, increase the consumption of grains and cereals

The consumption of all types of cereals, oats and some grains and legumes (such as lentils) offers the body a high fiber content. Foods rich in fiber help fight constipation , regulate bowel movements and promote a healthy digestive system.

If you have hemorrhoids, this will reduce pain when you have a bowel movement. You can even combine different types of food to obtain greater nutritional benefits.  Just keep an eye on the quantities to control the calories consumed.

Changes that are helpful whether you have hemorrhoids or not

These dietary changes greatly benefit the hemorrhoid sufferer. They also favor and discipline eating behavior, although they require a little effort at the beginning. The best is that If you don’t have the problem, you can avoid it with the same tips .

We recommend that you always consult with a food specialist to follow a correct and balanced diet. Take into account that your nutritional requirements can be very special if you have a medical problem or chronic disease.

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