6 Benefits That Beets Bring To Your Health

Beet juice helps us maintain physical performance better than any energy drink. Did you also know that its leaves contain more iron than spinach?

Beets are one of the most striking vegetables, given their color. In recent years, it has increased its consumption in the form of drinks, in combination with various fruits. Something that is very positive, given that previously its gastronomic use was limited, above all, to the salads section.

One of the beet varieties is even used as a source for the production of sugar given its high sucrose content. However, beyond being a natural source of sugar, this vegetable is a very nutritious food, since it is rich in potassium, vitamin C and folates. In addition, beets are rich in water and, therefore, in fibers.

Health benefits of beets

Beet juice in the diet.

1. Beets are a source of fiber

Beets are high in fiber, soluble and insoluble. Which is why, they help improve intestinal transit and, obviously, help fight constipation, which is why they are even recommended in diets to treat annoying hemorrhoids. In addition, they help maintain blood sugar levels and good cholesterol (HDL).

As mentioned above, these vegetables can be eaten both raw (in salads) and cooked (in various dishes and drinks). What matters is knowing how to cook them so as not to waste their properties. Therefore, they must be cooked with skin. Just before eating, it can be removed. On the other hand, you should know that they can be pickled both raw and cooked.

2. Allies against high blood pressure

Sliced ​​fresh beets to eat.

Since beets contain naturally occurring nitrates, when ingested, these nitrates are converted to nitric oxide. Remember that this molecule contributes to the relaxation and dilation of blood vessels, thus improving circulation and contributing to the regulation of blood pressure throughout the day.

3. They provide energy

Besides being rich in water, beets are also rich in protein.  So, before resorting to energy drinks to improve physical performance, you should consume a glass of beet juice, which is completely natural and offers a very similar benefit to the body.

Beet juice could act as an energy supply for the body, thanks to the conversion of nitrates into nitric oxide. This molecule helps reduce the impact of exercise on the body, by improving resistance to high intensity exercises.

In a study of  Wake Forest University Department of Health and Exercise Sciences  in Winston-Salem published in the journal  Journals of Gerontology: Series A  it was found that people who drank beet juice before exercising had a performance of up to 16% more than those who did not drink it.

4. Allies against inflammation

Beets are an important source of betaine, a nutrient capable of protecting cells, proteins and enzymes from environmental stress. In addition, it gives this vegetable an important anti-inflammatory power that protects internal organs and improves blood circulation.

5. Helps detoxify the body

The pigment known as betalin in beets supports the detoxification process. Remember that this occurs when the divided toxins bind to other molecules in order to be eliminated. In general, its nutrients are  capable of fighting the action of free radicals  and essential to purify vital organs such as the liver, lungs and blood.

6. May contain anticancer properties

Consuming red beet extract could reduce tumor formations when administered with drinking water. It is believed that those responsible for this benefit could be the phytonutrients contained in beets, and the nutrients mentioned above, whose mineralizing capacity is very important.

Even its leaves have beneficial contributions!

The green leaves of the beet are a very important and nutrient-rich part of this vegetable. They contain protein, phosphorus, zinc, fiber, vitamin B6, A, C, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese, as well as calcium and iron. It should be noted that  the leaves of this plant contain more iron than spinach. Among the benefits of its regular consumption we find the following:

  • Beet greens may prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone strength.
  • They stimulate the production of antibodies and white blood cells; therefore, they help to strengthen the immune system.
  • They help prevent and fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Beet greens can be taken in smoothies, juices or in salads. They can also be used in various preparations with vegetables. Remember that the key is knowing how to incorporate them in a pleasant way in the diet  to normalize their consumption and be able to benefit from it. As simple as that!

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