5 Ways In Which Social Networks Affect You Emotionally

We must not forget that social networks are there to keep in touch with loved ones who may be far away. The moment they pose a problem, it is best to put them aside

Social networks seek to bring you closer to those people who are miles away and maintain direct contact . However, not everything is so positive.

In some cases, these same social networks can greatly affect your health  emotional .

However, can it affect everyone? What are the different problems that can arise from the excessive use of these media ?

Here we will explain some of them.

Feel inferior

sad woman

Sometimes when you try to compare yourself to someone else, it can get a bit painful. The common thing in these media is to demonstrate and speak only about what makes us proud .

Usually, people share all their achievements on their social networks. These can refer to your work, the places you visit with your family, friends or partner.

If you pay too much attention to these posts, you may start to question your life a bit and what you are doing to achieve your goals.

Thus, you will compare your possessions, relationships, successes or economic level with what others presume on the network.

This feeling is not necessarily negative for you if you keep aware that each one has its reality and triumphs. It can even be an encouragement to improve and set new goals.

However, sometimes we focus on minimizing what we have, thinking that we will never have the same as others. Thus, we will only be falling into the vicious cycle of unhappiness.

Once inside this vicious circle of comparisons, it is very difficult to get out of it.

Social networks addiction

Today there are already many addictions in daily life.

Do you constantly check your Facebook just to see what all your friends are posting? Are you connected to the chat all day just to see who is connecting?

It is true that these two actions seem normal and insignificant. However, if you are doing them often, they could be a sign that you have fallen into a addiction just as dangerous as any other.

Do you spend more time on a social network than doing any other daily activity, be it work or study? Then it would be a good idea to set a schedule to avoid overdoing it.

In more extreme cases, it might even be advisable to consult a specialist to help us.

Feelings of loneliness

woman asking the moon

There are people they feel lonely on social media. However, these were created precisely with the idea of ​​sharing and being a form of link between those who are separated by great distances.

Networks may have caused you to no longer share as much with the people around you.

A compulsion has developed that forces you to share every activity you do. If you really are doing more than checking your social network.

This can cause your relationships are seriously affected. You may even  create a wall between the people who have been so close to you. .

However, there are ways to avoid the loneliness created by social media. For example, instead of spending so much time sharing statuses on Facebook, get together with your family and friends for a good time.

Low self-esteem

That you are constantly checking or spying on your networks can affect your eating habits. Thus, these actions could lead you to resort to unhealthy methods in your relationships or in your daily life in general.

What’s more, The ability to compare your body or see the photos that others share is associated with a large number of eating disorders.

The recommendation is that you limit yourself to using social networks only for what they are: communicating with your loved ones. Avoid falling into the temptation to lock yourself in them.

Think that in the outside world there are people to hang out with and places to visit.

It is also very common to feel bad about your appearance when someone tags you in photos where you appear and you do not look as you would like. It’s easy for them to create a complex for you.

Before you get depressed, think that it happens to all of us that they upload a photo that we do not like so much.

In the end, it is not something serious either. You must be aware that people only share a part of their life. That is, you will only see on their walls what they want to show.

Whether they’re proud, handsome, or happy – that’s what they’ll share. Few are those who really make their sad moments public.

It can become overwhelming because you look at the “perfect” life of those people. However, you are sure to show only that part sometimes too, so let go of the idea that you are less successful or happy.

Everyone is dealing with their own life and social media only shows a small part of that.  


The combination of all those sensations that we have told you about can lead to severe depression if you don’t control yourself in time.

You must understand that being connected all day interacting with people but without doing it face to face is not the healthiest thing to do.

If every time you check your social networks you feel:

  • A feeling of emptiness
  • Sadness
  • Nonconformity with yourself
  • Rage
  • Pain
  • Anguish

You should go to a friend or someone close. If you feel that that will not be enough, go to a specialist. He will give you some tools to continue in the best possible way.

Social networks are there so you can share and interact with those friends and family who are far away. Don’t let them overwhelm you with harmful emotions.

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