5 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Indigestion

Many times we neglect good eating habits because of the rush, without realizing how harmful this is to our health.

There are unhealthy habits that cause indigestion and other discomforts. All of them come to be actions that, apparently, do not seem to be harmful but that do have a great impact on health.

If you frequently feel bloated and heavy after eating, you may need to improve some of your eating habits. 

Although it may not seem like it, some habits that we have, both during and after eating, can be the triggers of poor digestion. Hence the importance of knowing how to evaluate and correct the way we feed ourselves.

5 unhealthy habits that cause indigestion

Next, we will tell you what are the 5 habits that can be the cause of your digestive problems.

1. Combine too much starch with protein

Combine starch and protein

Starch is a substance present in many foods (such as rice, potatoes, among others) and that, when combined with protein, is very heavy, although they complement each other very well in terms of flavor.

The difficulty that occurs with this is that, compared to starches,  protein has a rhythm of digestion  and this makes digestive processes difficult.

Starch is quickly digested into simple sugars, and by having to wait for the proteins to digest, it ferments and leads to those symptoms of inflammation and heartburn.

What to do about it?

  • Eat a moderate amount of starch and then eat your serving of protein.
  • Avoid doing this combination on a daily basis.

2. Drink plenty of water with meals

Water plays a very important role in the entire digestive process. In fact, it is fine to drink a few small sips while eating, so that the food has a better movement through the digestive tract.

However, drinking plenty of water while you eat is another unhealthy habit that causes indigestion. This is because water (or any other liquid) dilutes stomach acids that help absorb nutrients and, by making digestion difficult, instantly causes bloating, gas, and other discomfort.

What to do about it?

  • If you are looking to take advantage of the satiating properties of water to avoid excessive intake of meals, or you want to consume it to support digestion, consume it at least one hour before or after main meals.

3. Not chewing food well

Not chewing food well

Another unhealthy habit that causes indigestion is eating quickly and hardly chewing your food. And although the importance of carrying out this action well has been highlighted, many times, when time seems to press, it is neglected.

When chewing, the saliva secretes digestive enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of carbohydrates and other foods that are somewhat more difficult to digest.

When every food is not chewed well, digestive enzymes are wasted and other organs are forced to do the work that they were supposed to have done in the mouth.

Consequently, the result is a heavy digestion that is accentuated by the symptoms of indigestion and reflux.

What to do about it?

  • Give yourself at least 20 minutes to eat calmly.
  • Cut food into small pieces and chew it several times before eating. 
  • After the meal is finished, rest for at least 15-20 minutes. Don’t take a nap directly; Wait until at least two hours have passed.
  • Avoid physical activity during those 15-20 minutes to avoid indigestion.

4. Eat fruit after lunch

Eating fruit right after a main meal, like lunch, is another unhealthy habit that often leads to indigestion.

While it is true that fruits are full of health properties; The problem in this case is that,  when combined with carbohydrates and proteins, their digestion has to wait and they end up fermenting in the stomach, thus causing indigestion.

What to do about it?

  • Avoid eating fruit after lunch.
  • As a general rule, the best time to eat fruit is before or with breakfast. It’s also okay to enjoy a serving of fruit as a snack.
  • Fruits such as pineapple and papaya are safe to eat after lunch, as both contain digestive enzymes (bromelain and papain) that support the breakdown of food.

5. Drink cold water

Drink cold water

The worst unhealthy habit that causes indigestion is drinking cold water with your main meals. Drinking cold water restricts blood vessels and thus  hinders the body’s ability to digest solid food  and absorb nutrients.

What to do about it?

  • Before or after eating (never during) drink water at room temperature. 
  • In case you want to enjoy an infusion or tea after a main meal, allow 15-20 minutes after the meal.
  • In case you want to enjoy an ice-cold drink, it is recommended to drink in small sips and always, in moderation.


As we have seen, indigestion often occurs because we carry out (most of the time without realizing it) bad habits; however, these can be easily corrected.

Indigestion is one of the most common disorders in the population. Therefore, it is normal that, on certain occasions, people experience an episode.

Reflux is usually one of the common symptoms of this condition, which can also lead to vomiting, nausea, and a strong burning sensation in the upper abdomen.

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