5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Your Kids Chocolate Shakes

The news warning about the danger of certain foods sometimes tires us, but we must pay attention to them. Do you know why your children should not drink chocolate shakes every day?

As mothers and fathers, we are sure that on more than one occasion you have read the nutritional analysis of, for example, the 200-milliliter tetrabriks that we usually put in our backpack.

Everything seems positive to us, we know that they contain those stabilizers that maintain their appearance and texture, but… Is there something else they don’t tell us? Today in our space we want to explain it to you.

Analysis of chocolate shakes

Meringue or chocolate shake.

1. Presence of carrageenans

If you have never heard of carrageenans, we will tell you that they  are a natural product made from different algae. Seaweed in a dairy product? That’s how it is.

Now, despite being a natural element, you should know that the World Health Organization advises against it for infant feeding, has warned that it can:

  • Cause gas.
  • Cause diarrhea.
  • Produce poor digestions.
  • Alter the intestinal flora of children,  according to a study published in the journal “Carbohydrate Polymers.”

You may be wondering what the recommended daily amount would be so that children do not feel these effects. At the moment, the health authorities have not agreed on this.

Read also: How to treat diarrhea in children

2. Chocolate shakes contain casein

This data surely you already know. Chocolate shakes are still a dairy product and, therefore, are rich in casein, that is, the protein in milk.

The effects of this protein in the body vary greatly from person to person, but the following effects are often seen in children’s bodies:

  • They irritate the intestine.
  • They produce allergies.
  • They affect the immune system.
  • It can cause eczema or bronchitis, all induced by allergy to this dairy.

Not all children will develop this type of allergies or reactions, but it is a fact that we must take into account to, at least, regulate their consumption.

Despite everything, the most current studies recommend the intake of this type of protein to help preserve muscle mass. For this reason, there is some disagreement regarding its consumption. Until a few years ago, whey protein was valued more than casein, but lately the recommendations are beginning to change.

3. They contain too much sugar

It won’t surprise you if we tell you that chocolate shakes contain sugar, but  did you know that a 200 milliliter brick contains almost 30 grams of sugar?

This amount is too high and more if we take into account that in the case of children its consumption is usually very frequent.

  • Sugar causes insulin resistance, thus, we run the risk that children end up suffering from metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
    • Sugar increases the concentration of bile acids in the stool and bacterial enzymes in the colon, which can reduce bacterial diversity, according to a study published in 2018.
    • The chocolate shakes have corn syrup in their composition, a type of sweetener very rich in fruit. This compound can cause long-term liver damage.
    • We run the risk of our children becoming obese children.

    4. They will not make children strong bones.

    Chocolate milkshake

    It is common for dairy companies that manufacture this type of chocolate shake to sell us their benefits through phrases such as: “it promotes bone growth, children’s bones grow stronger, it will be tall and strong” …

    • This type of information must be valued calmly, carefully and with some skepticism. The calcium in these types of chocolate shakes is not easily absorbed. In fact, it is common to lose it.
    • Amy Lanou, director of the nutrition center of the “Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine”, curiously tells us that the countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are those in which people drink more packaged milk, or more shakes of this type .
    • Chocolate shakes are not a good source for calcium. A natural yogurt would be more recommended, or even calcium from plant sources. In addition, it should be remembered that the best way to assimilate calcium from food is to combine its intake with the consumption of products rich in vitamin C.

    5. May not taste like chocolate

    The taste is completely artificial. In fact, manufacturers often use chemicals and other aromatic elements that are reminiscent of chocolate without having to be. The same happens with other flavors such as strawberry, vanilla …

    They usually contain substances such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein or monosodium glutamate. To this fact is added another even more worrying: food manufacturers do not have to reveal the ingredients they use to create that flavor.

    They are supposed to be private formulas to be able to compete with other brands. This is what happens, for example, with Coca-Cola.

    Make your own smoothies instead of buying them

    Making smoothies in the blender

    There is no reason to give up dairy, but it is worth consuming the healthiest ones, which we know have the highest amount of calcium and which also take care of children’s intestinal flora.

    You can prepare your children a smoothie with a natural white yogurt by adding powdered chocolate and a little oatmeal drink. They will love it.

    Vegetable drinks are also a suitable option, as long as they do not contain added sugars. Another idea is to prepare natural juices from home.

    To conclude, we want to point out that consuming a chocolate shake from time to time does not imply any risk. The danger comes when these drinks become a regular part of children’s diets.

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