5 Natural Solutions To Reduce The Enlarged Pores Of The Skin

To achieve satisfactory results it is important to apply the remedies several times a week and maintain their use so that the pores do not dilate again.

The skin, as shown by this information from Medline Plus experts , is the largest organ in the body. It has about six pounds (about 2.7 kilos) of fur covering 18 square feet (about 1.67 square meters) in an average adult.

This same information continues to explain that the outer layer of the skin is known as the epidermis and is responsible for protecting the underlying layers from the outside world and also contains cells that must produce keratin, a substance that waterproofs and strengthens the skin.

The epidermis also has cells that contain melanin, the dark pigmentation that gives skin its color. Other cells in the epidermis allow us to have a sense of touch and provide immunity to the body against external invaders such as germs and bacteria.

The skin is covered with small pores that serve the function of letting the skin perspire to refresh the body and regulate temperature, according to this study.

Through these, excess sebum is also eliminated, an oily substance that protects the skin and plays an important role in its protection against external agents. However, there are times when they become blocked and dilated. In this article, you will learn how to reduce large pores.

The size of the pores varies from person to person, but most prefer them to be small for firmer, fresher skin with fewer blemishes.

5 natural solutions to reduce enlarged pores on the skin

The problem is that many have them dilated and have to constantly deal with the blockage that is generated by dead cells and other debris. As a result, it  is common to suffer from blackheads, acne, blemishes and other skin conditions that affect aesthetically.

Fortunately, with the application of some natural care and remedies, it is possible to reduce the size of the pores to have a cleaner and healthier skin. Next, we are going to share some possible natural alternatives that can be incorporated frequently in the beauty routine.

Do not miss it!

1. Mask with egg white

Face mask

Egg white is believed to help tighten and tone the skin, tightening large pores. In addition, its properties could help regulate the natural oils of the skin, without causing dryness or any alteration.


  • 1 egg white.
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (20 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (20 ml).

What should you do?

  • First, beat the egg white and mix it with the oatmeal and lemon juice.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous paste, spread it all over the face and leave it for 30 minutes or until it dries.
  • Finally, wash with plenty of cold water and repeat its use twice a week. It is believed that it could help maintain a healthier face.

    2. Cucumber mask

    Cucumber juice is said to have long been used for various skin treatments. In addition, its high water content helps to clean it in depth, while its antioxidant agents prevent premature aging. Also, it acts as a natural toner and helps reduce large pores and annoying blackheads.


    • ½ cup of cucumber juice (125 ml).
    • 2 tablespoons of cornmeal (20 g).

    What should you do?

    • First, mix the cucumber juice with the cornmeal and make sure to form a thick paste.
    • Apply the product all over the face, leave it to act for 15 minutes and rinse with plenty of cold water.
    • Finally, use it 2 or 3 times a week, as you consider necessary.

    3. Tomato lotion?

    Tomato juice is believed to be applied to the face as a natural lotion to cleanse and contract pores. Furthermore, it s antioxidants us inhibit the action of free radicals thanks to its high potassium content and acid, it is good to reduce stains.

    Although this strictly obeys the knowledge of popular wisdom, then, some people have stated that its use could help them maintain a hydrated and clean skin. However, as of now, there is no scientific evidence or study to support this theory.


    • 1 ripe tomato
    • 1 teaspoon of vinegar (5 ml).
    • 4 tablespoons of water (40 ml).

    What should you do?

    • First, extract the tomato juice and mix it with the vinegar and water until you get a homogeneous lotion.
    • Spread the product all over the face with the help of a cotton ball.
    • Finally, apply it at least three times a week for good results.

    4. Honey mask

    Honey is widely known for all its medicinal benefits. In the case of the skin, it is ideal for fighting even the most serious forms of acne and other blemishes that affect beauty.

    It has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that fight those microorganisms that cause skin infections. In addition, it can help to close large pores to prevent blackheads, and regulate the production of sebum.


    • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g).
    • 1 teaspoon of oatmeal (5 g).

    What should you do?

    • First, prepare a mixture with the two ingredients until you get a paste.
    • Apply it with gentle massages all over the face, especially in the so-called T zone.
    • Finally, repeat its application twice a week.

    5. Yogurt mask


    The lactic acid in yogurt is believed to help regulate the skin’s natural pH to reduce excess oil that clogs pores. Likewise, popular wisdom assigns it that, when combined with a little salt, it could serve as a natural exfoliator to cleanse the face, remove dead cells and close pores.


    • 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt (40 g).
    • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g).

    What should you do?

    • First, prepare a mixture with the two ingredients until you get a paste.
    • Spread the product with gentle circular massages and leave it to act for 5 minutes.
    • Rinse with lukewarm water.
    • Finally, use it once or twice a week.

    If you are trying to seal your pores for a cleaner and renewed skin, do not hesitate to try any of these natural remedies. However, its results are not immediate. However,  with its regular application you can notice visible changes in the skin.

    Finally, it is important to remember that none of these natural alternatives can be considered a substitute for any medication previously prescribed by a dermatologist or professional in the area and also that we must consider paying more attention to the quality of the food we consume, since they could be affecting our skin.

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