5 Most Common Hydration Mistakes

It is possible that, instead of hydrating correctly, we are making mistakes with certain habits.

To maintain good hydration in our body it is not just about drinking water. There are other factors that we must know.

There are 5 hydration errors that are very common. Therefore, many times you can fall into them without realizing it.

5 most common hydration mistakes

To have a good quality of life and prevent diseases, we must have a good fluid intake.  Although many overlook it, the correct assimilation of fluids is decisive so that all organs can function correctly.

A dehydrated organism begins to present failures in its main functions. This can lead to both physical and mental difficulties. The thing is that, beyond drinking water, good hydration depends on other factors with which mistakes are often made.

1. You excessively limit sodium intake

It is true that one of the main medical recommendations is to moderate sodium consumption. A diet rich in this mineral can cause chronic problems such as fluid retention and chronic hypertension.

However, that does not mean that it is an enemy and that it should be completely excluded from the diet. Its low levels can also have counterproductive effects.

  • The poor absorption of the mineral, or its excessive loss through sweat, makes it difficult to replace fluids, even when drinking plenty of water.
  • Conditions such as heat and humidity make fluid and salt intake more important.

2. You consume too much water

While low water intake instantly leads to dehydration, excessive fluid intake can have negative effects. Drinking too much water or any other liquid overloads the urinary system and increases the risk of inflammatory problems and infections.

The body is not prepared to process anything in excess, even if it is water. The recommended amount may vary based on age, weight, habits, and climate.

3. You are not getting enough magnesium and potassium

Products rich of potassium and magnesium

People who practice sports or who do exercise or any other highly physically demanding activity should be concerned about having a correct absorption of magnesium and potassium. These essential minerals play a key role in maintaining body hydration and muscle health.

Its deficiency can impede the adequate hydration of cells and the balance of electrolyte levels. If they are missing, you are more likely to have muscle cramps, ailments and symptoms of dehydration. In general, the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals is recommended to guarantee their correct absorption.

4. You consume sugary drinks

A large number of people think that they can hydrate their body by consuming soda or sugary fruit juices. Although for the moment they calm the sensation of thirst, their compounds are far from being healthy for the body.

  • These drinks are packed with added sugar and chemical compounds that, instead of hydrating cells, can lead to dehydration.
  • They lack high-quality nutrients and, although they claim to be fruit, they do not have the same properties.
  • Many even contain stimulant substances that can cause unwanted health effects.

5. You do not listen to the signals of your body

You don't listen to the signals of your body

Sometimes we may think that we are hydrating well, and in reality we are not. There are many factors that intervene in this process and, therefore, it is not surprising that in the event of any neglect we reach a certain level of dehydration.

The thing is, although the body sends us some signals, we rarely pay attention to it or relate to it. The most worrying thing is that we let its effects evolve and we realize the problem when it has already caused us several annoyances.

Symptoms of dehydration

  • Symptoms such as changes in urination habits or urinary infections can be a sign of a lack of fluids and electrolytes.
  • There may also be ongoing headaches, a feeling of thirst, and muscle cramps.
  • Some people experience a slow heart rate and fainting spells.
  • In case of presenting any of these manifestations it is necessary to consume a sports drink, in small and frequent sips.
  • After this, a moderate and gradual hydration plan should be followed. The stomach should not be overloaded with liquid.

Did you just spot any of the hydration errors mentioned? If so, try to correct them as soon as possible to suffer the consequences that we comment on.

Keep in mind that, if you practice any sports activity or demanding work, you must reinforce your measures to guarantee optimal hydration of your body. The same applies if you are going through a disease.

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