5 Keys To Start A Successful Weight Loss Diet

Losing weight can be difficult, however, consistency and a weight loss diet customized to your preferences are key factors to successfully complete this process . Your physical and mental health will appreciate it.

If you have failed in the diets that you start every Monday and you cannot lose weight but you can gain it, do not worry. Here we bring you 5 keys for you to successfully start a weight loss diet.

Losing those pounds that tarnish your physical and mental health is an uphill goal. Many times what affects the most is not having been constant in the programs that we propose. 

It is difficult to give continuity to a food plan that came into your life to change your habits and restrict those foods that you like so much. However, the main motivation is to know that you will regain your health and that you will be in better conditions to face life.

Identify the reasons to go on a weight loss diet

Before starting with the 5 keys, it is appropriate that you identify what you want to achieve with the weight loss diet. It seems obvious because we usually associate diet with motivation, but there is always something beyond the obvious.

Make a list and weigh the advantages and disadvantages that will emerge from this process. That will make you aware of the context in which you start this path that is going to be full of changes. It will help you clear your mind and boost your spirits when you think about quitting the diet.

Woman showing a weight scale with positive numbers

5 keys to success with the diet

1. The objective must be clear and realistic

All people would like to have statuesque bodies, but this is not so simple. The idea is that the amount of kilos you want to lose can be eliminated in the appropriate time and, in addition, that you can maintain them without compromising your health.

The first step is to learn to eat, and for that you will need to change your eating habits. These should be tailored to your needs. Each individual is different and, therefore, for each one there must be a personalized diet.

Thus your times and achievements should not be adapted or equal to those of another person. If you do not have medical complications, the ideal could be to lose one kilo per week. That should be your main motivation. With that figure, the process can be slow, but you will keep the result over time.

2. Weight should not be an obsession

Weight is sometimes a misleading measure. For this reason, we recommend that you evaluate your evolution with clothing. Perhaps the best scale is your clothing. If you want to know if you are on the right track, put on those pants that did not fit you before and thus you will see if the weight loss diet has worked.

You should know that weight can vary for conditions as varied as the amount of water you have ingested during the day, if you have digestive problems or intestinal transit, if you are in your menstrual cycle, among others.

During the weight loss diet do not control your weight daily. This should not be the only parameter that you can use to measure your evolution.

3. Plan several meals a day

It is good to separate the food in different tuppers.

Remember: you should not skip any meals. It is a serious mistake that you do not eat breakfast or that you eliminate dinner. If you are missing one, you will only feel more appetite and craving to eat, which can lead you to eat unhealthy foods. This is suggested by this study from Tongji University (China).

Eat more than three meals and complete your diet with snacks such as healthy snacks in which you can include fruits, nuts or jellies. This process merits serious programming. Take some time at the beginning of the week to define your meals.

Try to make a weekly shopping list where you will include your food. If you skip this step, you can end up eating products that hinder the weight loss diet that you have started.

4. Plan each meal with the plate method

This is a very easy strategy. This method will allow you to make meals healthier and more nutritionally balanced. It works like this: half of the plate should be filled with vegetables that can be raw or cooked. Try to be varied.

On the other hand, a quarter of the plate will be filled with proteins, which can be meats, eggs, fish, legumes or vegetable proteins. The other quarter of the plate should contain carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread or potatoes. The idea is that they are comprehensive. You can accompany with a fruit.

5.Includes exercise and water

Exercising is good for a weight loss diet.

There are many benefits that you will get if you practice some physical activity. In fact, practicing some exercise will help you lose body fat, avoid sedentary lifestyle and improve your physical and health conditions. In addition, it will provide you with endorphins and you will feel much better psychologically, according to this study carried out by the University of Malaga. Diet and exercise complement each other.

During your weight loss diet, your routine must be accompanied by the consumption of water, since it is the main component of our body. During the day he drinks from a liter and a half to two.

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