4 Tips To Choose Sunglasses That Protect You

Now that summer is coming, the demand for glasses that protect our eyes from the sun is skyrocketing. However, choosing sunglasses is not something we should take lightly. There are a number of keys to investing in glasses that do not end up relegated to the bottom of a drawer.

Just as we protect our skin from ultraviolet rays with quality creams, the same we have to do with our eyes, to which we do not usually pay due attention. Do we care about the safety and protection that glasses can provide us or do we just stay on aesthetics, ignoring the rest?

4 Tips for choosing sunglasses

1. The use that you are going to give them

The first of the tips to choose sunglasses is to identify the use that we are going to give them. It is not the same that we have to drive to work every day or that we are exposed to the sun, because we are commercial and we are always moving, than if we work at home.

If we only use the sunglasses on the weekend or a few times a week sporadically, the model to choose will be very different than if we find ourselves in some of the following situations:

  • We are skiers or it is a hobby that we practice relatively frequently.
  • We love to fish and we do it several times a week, even a little every day if we have time.
  • We drive absolutely every day and have to deal with such annoying sunrises and sunsets.

As we can see, the needs in each case are very different. Therefore, we will continue to see what other tips to choose sunglasses we must take into account to get the one that suits our needs.

2. The color of the glasses

The lens color of the glasses has nothing to do with an aesthetic purpose. Depending on the use that we are going to give them, we will need one tone or another to be able to cope with the needs that our eyesight will have. These are some of the colors that we can find and their specific uses:

  • Brown: This lens color is essential for nearsighted people as it reduces eye strain.
  • Green: It is an option for people who suffer from hyperopia, but also for those who have a predilection for practicing water sports.
  • Gray: It is a suitable color for taxi drivers or people who work with trucks and who have to drive a lot.

3. Your size

Paying attention to size when choosing sunglasses is also important. A larger size can provide greater protection if this is what we need. However, we must also take into account other factors.

For example, we must look at how the glasses are held on our nose. Are they squeezing us? Do they slip us? This can cause discomfort and can cause us not to use sunglasses as much as we should. Therefore, it would be an investment thrown away.

We also have to pay attention to whether the glasses rest on our cheeks when we smile or if our eyelashes touch the lens. Finding the perfect glasses can take a while. But it is better to delay and choose the right one, than to choose a quick one and realize that it bothers us or does not suit our features.

4. Go to an optician

The last of the tips to choose sunglasses is to go to an optician. Sometimes, we sin to buy this type of glasses in a bazaar or a store. However, optics will always be the best option, since in it we can be sure of acquiring glasses that will really protect us from the sun.

From a perspective, they will guide us to choose the glasses that best suit our needs. In addition, the sunglasses that they will provide us will have all the guarantees that the filters for the sun ensure optimal protection of our eyes.

Finally, if we take all these tips into account, we will find the right sunglasses for the sun that we will always wear and that we will wear without suffering any discomfort. Do you already follow these tips to buy your sunglasses?

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