4 Tips To Avoid Diaper Rash

Knowing how to avoid diaper rash in babies is one of the most important things parents, especially first-timers, should know.) This is a skin disease or rash that occurs in the area covered by the diaper.

Generally, it appears on the lower abdomen, genitals, buttocks and upper thighs, due to direct exposure to contact with irritants. This condition is often presented by the baby in its first year of life.

Diagnosis and causes of diaper rash

The diagnosis of dermatitis is made by physical examination. Among the symptoms of this pathology, the appearance of skin lesions in the areas that have direct contact with the diaper stands out, as this article published in Integral Pediatrics points out . Some of its main causes are:

  • Humidity.
  • Inadequate hygiene.
  • Altered PH of urine and feces.
  • Prolonged contact with urine and feces.
  • The sensitivity of the baby’s skin to the friction of the diaper.

Tips to avoid diaper rash

Change the diaper.

If you notice redness in your baby’s genital areas and buttocks, try to remove the diaper as soon as possible and proceed to start a series of care to prevent the problem from getting worse. If you address the issue early, further complications may not arise.

By way of prevention, it is advisable to maintain the following measures that we are going to comment on.

1. Wash the intimate area to avoid diaper rash

Wash the area covered by the diaper with plenty of warm water after each change. When doing this activity it is recommended not to use soap. If required, neutral pH ones can be used.

Next, you have to dry the area very well gently and without rubbing. If possible, leave the area outside for a few minutes. Also,  e vita used very often wet wipes containing alcohol or fragrances.

2. Change the diaper

On the other hand, it is important that you change the baby’s diaper frequently. At least every three hours during the day, in case you only have urine. At night, if possible, change it every 5 hours. Likewise, it must be borne in mind that it is necessary to change the molt every time the baby defecates.

Of course, every time you make the change, you will have to wash the baby with water and neutral soap, dry him well with a soft and clean towel and, as far as possible, leave him a moment without a diaper so that the area is ventilated, as shown this publication of Comprehensive Pediatrics .

Also, when putting on the clean diaper, make sure it is not too tight, as rubbing can also lead to irritations.

On the other hand, it is advisable to pay attention to the characteristics of the diapers when purchasing them. Those that have the “extra absorbent” characteristic are not entirely recommended, since by retaining moisture for a longer time, they could create the ideal environment for bacteria.

Remember that if dermatitis does cause lesions, there is a greater risk of the wounds becoming infected and presenting major problems.

3. Use protective creams to avoid diaper rash

Apply protective creams to all necessary areas every diaper change. These must be water-based and the components must have an astringent function, such as zinc oxide. These creams form an impermeable layer on the skin, as this article published in the journal Matronas Profesión points out .

It is best to apply them after each cleaning of the area, as they serve as a protective barrier between the diaper and the skin. This prevents the appearance of irritations. These can be purchased in pharmacies or supermarkets or you can try homemade recipes, but not without first consulting with your pediatrician.

4. Take into account the diet

In addition to putting all of the above into practice, it is important that you give your baby a good diet. Consider keeping track of the new foods your child eats, as some of these new foods may lead to a change in stool pH.

If you notice that one of them may be giving rise to the appearance of diaper rash, stop giving this food, see if this relieves the child and consult your pediatrician.

It also has the same effect if the baby is breastfeeding. In this case, the mother must keep track of the food and medicines she consumes. In addition, you should consult with the specialist when you can introduce it into your daily diet again.

About diaper rash

Diaper rash or irritant (diaperitis) is a fairly common condition during the first months of life in babies, up to 12 months of age. However, it is important to try to apply all the recommendations that we have mentioned to prevent its appearance, as far as possible.

If you maintain good care and, in general, proper hygiene, you can avoid a lot of discomfort for your child. As they say, prevention is the best measure.

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