3 Tips To Help You Cope With Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common among women worldwide. It is also one of the most studied types of cancer. Treatments to combat it are getting better and better and the cure rate is close to 90% when detected in the early stages. But how to deal with breast cancer and its situation?

In practice, no woman is prepared to receive this diagnosis. Even more so if we consider that less than a quarter of women diagnosed with breast cancer have some genetic or other risk factor.

Tips for Coping with Breast Cancer

Woman in medical consultation

The news then comes as a bleak and disconcerting surprise. The impact can have negative repercussions on the physical and psychological health of women. At first, it is advisable to remain calm.

As tough as it can be to cope with a breast cancer diagnosis, its treatment, and all that the disease entails, there are some helpful tips to help women in this situation do so.

Obtain as much information as possible

One of the things that most destabilizes a woman when she is diagnosed with breast cancer is uncertainty. That is why being able to have as much information as possible about your condition, treatment, and outlook can be very helpful. This way, you can feel more comfortable about the decisions you need to make.

In addition, as indicated by the Spanish Association Against Cancer, staying informed will also allow the affected person to better prepare for treatments.

It is important that the patient find a specialist who will listen to her and attend to all these concerns with time and patience. Before your appointment, you can make a list of questions about the type of cancer you have, how advanced it is, what are the treatment options, what are the chances of being cured, etc.

 It is advisable to go to the first appointments with a family member or friend, as this will make it easier to understand and remember what the doctor told you. Once this first stage has been overcome, the best way to face breast cancer is to fully trust the medical team and put yourself in their hands by following their advice to the letter.

Seek psychological and emotional support to cope with breast cancer

Women in pink with a bow in support of breast cancer

In addition to indulging in treatment by trusting specialists, there are other important aspects that will help women with breast cancer cope with their disease. One of them is psychological help.

Indeed, although many times the patient believes that she is fine and that she can handle everything that is happening to her, sooner or later she may collapse. The help of a specialist is key at that time and throughout the duration of the treatment, and even afterwards.

The support of loved ones and in general, of the entire family, social and work environment, is essential to face breast cancer in the best possible way. These people will provide the patient with a kind of affective protective shield that will be very helpful. It is important that you allow yourself to be cared for and loved by them.

Stay busy and positive

The process of healing from breast cancer is often long and complicated. A positive attitude will be very useful to get through that moment in the best possible way.

Medicine has come a long way in this field and the chances of a cure are high today. It is important to always keep in mind that all that difficult moment is a path to healing and that after that, you will be healthy as before.

Keeping your head busy is also essential. The woman facing breast cancer must be aware that her life is much more than the disease. Cancer cannot occupy all your thoughts and it is necessary to help the mind so that it does not.

Work is undoubtedly a great stimulus and, as far as possible, the daily routine should be continued and kept as intact as possible. Finding hobbies and activities that make you happy is also very helpful.

Surely, during the treatment there will be days when the woman feels exhausted, without strength  and does not feel like doing anything. But it is essential to make an effort to find activities that give you pleasure and make you feel that the disease cannot beat you.

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