3 Strategies To Fight Obesity

Obesity has become a public health problem in the world. Due to its consequences, it is important to adopt strategies to combat it.

What strategies help fight obesity? Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by the excessive accumulation of body fat. It often begins in childhood or adolescence, although it can occur at any age.

It is considered multifactorial, as it can have its origin in genetics, medical problems or lifestyle.  In this sense, the programs to deal with it vary according to the needs of each patient.

However, at a general level, they involve changes in eating habits and an increase in physical activity. In the following space, we share 3 recommendations with you.

Strategies to fight obesity

Obese patients are more likely to develop other health problems: heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or arthritis, among others. In turn, these pathologies facilitate the progression of the disorder and worsen its prognosis.

Fortunately, achieving weight loss under medical supervision improves or prevents obesity-related complications. Does this condition afflict you? Discover below a series of strategies that support your treatment. Put them into practice!

1. Exercise regularly

According to researchers from George Washington University and Yale School of Medicine, having a regular exercise routine is an important part of supporting obesity treatment.

Overweight woman exercising

Although it is not easy to put a sedentary lifestyle aside, starting to do moderate physical activity favors weight control and helps prevent problems associated with this disease.

What should you do?

  • Start by getting 150 minutes of physical exercise a week. And, when you gain more physical stamina, increase it to 300 or more minutes depending on the capacity you have.
  • Opt for various types of training routine or sports activities. The most important thing is to be consistent and increase your intensity as your fitness improves.
  • Improving lifestyle habits is also recommended. For example, taking the stairs, speeding up housework or walking the dog longer, among others.

2. Maintain a healthy diet

As a research published by the Psychiatric Clinics of North America explains , part of the success of obesity treatment depends on diet. Therefore, it is essential to reduce your calorie intake and adopt a healthy routine.

Instead, drastic and restrictive diets should be avoided; since over time they do not provide good results. Although they help you lose weight in a short time, there is a chance that you will regain the lost kilos due to the “rebound effect”.

Diet against overweight

The best way to achieve a healthy and balanced weight is with a constant weight loss plan where the type of diet varies depending on the needs of each patient.

In this line, the doctor or nutritionist can consider aspects such as age, degree of obesity or underlying diseases. However, the following is generally advised:

  • Reduce your total calorie intake. The average amount is 1,200 to 1,500 calories for women and 1,500 to 1,800 for men.
  • Increase the consumption of foods with nutritional quality and few calories:  fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and seeds.
  • Eat more lean proteins: chicken, turkey, and fish.
  • Drink low-fat dairy.
  • Prepare healthy snacks  from nuts, natural yogurt, seeds, fruits, etc.
  • Limit the consumption of unhealthy foods  that contain sugar, refined flours, saturated fat, etc.

3. Change behaviors to fight obesity

In some cases, patients enter a behavior change program. The main objective of this type of aid is to modify those behaviors that prevent you from maintaining a healthy weight. In this way, patients come to understand that weight loss requires permanent changes in lifestyle.

Behavior change programs, also known as behavioral therapies, are often developed by a psychologist. And, as an article published in 2012 by the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism explains well , this professional helps the patient to understand the risks of their disease and the situations that lead them to eat poorly.

Patient in psychological consultation

The therapy can be individual, group or family; since the problem tends to affect several members. The plan includes strategies for managing food cravings, stressful situations, and other emotions associated with this illness.

And you? Do you dare to start today?

Are you fighting obesity? Apply the above strategies and start to achieve a healthier weight.

Of course, before starting, it is important to seek medical attention. The specialist will be the one to tell you if there are other treatment options to help you overcome the disease.

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