12 Tips For Beautiful Eyebrows

The eyebrows are very interesting elements of our face. Of course, its most popular trait, especially in women, is aesthetic. However, the eyebrows have other functions, some of them very important. For example, they help us protect our eyes from rain, sweat, sunlight or any other harmful agent such as dust. Therefore, here are 12 tips to have beautiful eyebrows.

1. Never fully pluck your eyebrows

A very common mistake is to pluck or completely remove the eyebrows. Obviously, this can be very dangerous, and it is not aesthetically recommended at all. First of all, remember that the eyebrows are an element that our body needs, so their main function is to protect our eyes. Therefore, you should not delete them. Second, replacing them with a marker doesn’t look good at all.

2. Shape the inner edges

Something that you can do is pluck your eyebrows according to a pattern or style that goes according to your face and the characteristics of your eyebrows. In this case, we recommend that you shape the inner edges of your eyebrows. This can be achieved very easily: simply place a makeup brush vertically to one side of your nose; then, taking the brush as a reference, remove the hair that is located between the eyebrows outside the line marked by the brush.

3. Be careful with some beauty products

Many people apply beauty products that are often harmful. Therefore, in the case of eyebrows, we suggest you avoid using beauty products of questionable quality or results. Instead, consult a certified specialist who can guide you in this regard. It is very important to know that, although aesthetically it looks good, this can have certain risks.

4. Use quality makeup and beauty products

Related to the previous point, in the event that you want to put on makeup or use a beauty product, you must use those that are of very good quality. As you know, in the market there are certain brands that are characterized by their quality. In some cases they are more expensive products. However, they are worth buying to ensure that our eyebrows will be in good condition.

5. You can use moisturizing creams or creams that stimulate its growth

You can apply some specialized creams to your eyebrows that moisturize or stimulate their growth. You can even make some homemade creams with natural products. For example, you can mix castor oil and gallic acid to make your eyebrows grow longer. You can also apply olive oil or a special moisturizing cream for that area.

6. Clean your eyebrows

Like any other part of our body, we must clean or wash our eyebrows every time we bathe. Of course, we can do it with a regular or common soap. It is very important that you rub them gently and that, after applying soap, you rinse them completely in order to avoid soap residues that, over time, can cause the eyebrows to weaken and fall out.

7. Pluck your eyebrows after a shower

A recommendation to pluck your eyebrows is that you do this after having taken a shower with warm or hot water. In this way the pores of your skin will be open, avoiding redness. Remember that you must be careful with the instruments you use, as they must be in good condition and clean. Otherwise you may have an infection.

8. Use a toner after shaving

After plucking your eyebrows, you should use a toner to moisturize them and give them a good appearance. In fact, you can also use a little honey. With this you will avoid irritations and even infections, since a tonic has bactericidal effects.

9. Smooth your eyebrows with moisturizing cream

Moisturize eyebrows

You can straighten your eyebrows without using chemicals that often cause your eyebrows to have a puffy texture. In this case, you can choose to use a little regular moisturizer so that your eyebrows are smoothed and stay in place for a long time.

10. Comb your eyebrows

Combing your eyebrows with the help of a soft brush can be of great help to stimulate their growth. In addition, in this way you will eliminate loose or loose hair. Finally, combing your eyebrows also has an aesthetic value: thanks to this you will have beautiful eyebrows.

11. Eat adequate food

A general and very important advice is that to enjoy a healthy appearance, including our eyebrows, it is to eat an adequate diet. Eating correctly makes us look better and each part of it reflects that state.

12. See a professional if necessary

You should not neglect your eyebrows, so it is better to go to a professional or specialist if necessary. Do not experience or consider that the eyebrows are an expendable area whose well-being is not important.

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