11 Natural Products To Lose Weight In A Healthy Way

Both red and green tea contribute to weight loss. Red tea purifies the body and increases caloric expenditure. We must always accompany our diet with physical exercise.

When we want to lose a few extra kilos, it is normal for us to ask ourselves which are the most recommended natural weight loss products. All this in order to evaluate the options that most attract our attention. We generally tend to choose based on how good they may or may not taste, how easy it is to incorporate them into the diet, and how well they can deliver.

Are you in the process of losing weight and want to know more about the natural products that can help you achieve it? In that case, keep reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

Natural products to lose weight: 11 options to consider

Taking into account that each body is different and that it has a series of specific needs, when it comes to wanting to lose weight, the ideal is to get good advice from the family doctor and the nutritionist. Once the professionals have indicated their guidelines, we can start to get down to work.

Additionally, we can consult them which natural weight loss products could suit us and why, as well as the precautions to take into account so that the strategy -as a whole- is effective. This will go a long way to helping us get closer to our goal in a healthy way that keeps the dreaded yo-yo or bounce effect at bay.

Let’s now look at some of the 11 most popular options. Ready to take note?

Fucus vesiculosus (Vaginous Sargassum)

The Fucus vesiculosus is a marine plant and as often have most algae, this has a high iodine content and mineral salts, such as potassium, bromine, magnesium, calcium, iron, among others.

It is considered that its high iodine content would help stimulate the action of the thyroid and fight obesity (when it is related to a problem with the gland). However, it is still necessary to deepen this. For this reason, for the moment, experts do not rule out the benefits attributed to it, as indicated by the medical portal Medline Plus.

Corn stigmas

What is called “corn estimates” is what the ears surround. They are also called corn beards or hair. This part of the food is considered one of the most important diuretics and purifiers that nature offers us.


The artichoke is a highly recommended food in weight loss plans because it is especially rich in water and fiber. This means that it has digestive, purifying, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Although it can be enjoyed in various ways as a garnish, it is also recommended to prepare its leaves in infusion, decoction or maceration and consume the resulting liquid instead of any industrial drink. Thus, it would be possible to reduce the consumption of sugar, salt and other substances, and lose weight.


Birch leaves are attributed diuretic properties, for this reason, it is considered that its consumption could be beneficial in case of fluid retention and weight loss plans. The idea is to prepare it as an infusion and consume it without sugar and in moderation throughout the day.

Pu Erh Red Tea

Tea, infusion and herbal tea: what are their differences?

Speaking of teas, most varieties tend to contribute to weight loss, since they are light drinks with diuretic properties. Green tea is generally recommended, but there is a variety of red tea that would also be worth trying.

Pu Erh red tea has a very good reputation as a fat burner. Specifically, it is said to increase caloric expenditure due to the effects it produces on the liver. At the same time, it is said to be a good cleanser for the entire body.

aloe vera

It is best known for its use in detoxifying diets, but that does not mean that it cannot be useful when it comes to losing weight and fighting constipation. However, certain caution must be exercised when using it, as not all people tolerate its laxative effect well. This means that some people do not experience too much abdominal discomfort, while others do experience cramps, brownouts, and other inconveniences when consuming aloe vera.

Like many things, it must be consumed in moderation and always according to the guidelines of the doctor or nutritionist. 

Have you ever tried adding a touch of aloe vera to your lemonade? Give it a chance, as this could help improve digestion and cleanse the body of toxins.


Ginseng is another natural weight loss product. In addition to speeding up metabolism, it is said to help increase energy. For this reason, it is common for it to be included in various energy drinks.

Siberian ginseng is one of the most recommended in weight loss plans, as it is said to reduce cravings for food and quench the craving for sweet things and naturally energize the body.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper contains a compound called “capsaicin”, which is what gives it its spicy flavor and its slimming properties. To take advantage of it, both pepper as such in various dishes as capsaicin supplements can be included in the diet.


Scientific literature indicates that cinnamon has several medicinal properties, including the ability to progressively accelerate metabolism. It also has several benefits when it comes to regulating blood sugar levels, reducing triglycerides, cholesterol and improving glucose metabolism, which is relevant to prevent feeling hungry after hours.

Celery tea

According to popular wisdom, celery tea is a very suitable drink when it comes to losing weight and eliminating retained fluids. This is because in itself, celery is a food rich in water and with a diuretic effect.

Note : something important to keep in mind is that for this type of drink to take effect, it must be consumed without added sugar or sweeteners. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of alcohol and industrial drinks, such as cola and flavored waters.


Although it is most famous for helping to eliminate bad breath and flavor refreshing preparations, peppermint is another of the natural products for weight loss. This is because digestive, detoxifying, cleansing and diuretic properties are attributed to it.

To take advantage of it, it is recommended to consume it as an infusion – with or without a few drops of fresh lemon juice – throughout the day, as a substitute for any industrial drink.

Note According to recent studies, some extracts of peppermint may help you lose weight But it is necessary to continue to go deeper in this regard, since the evidence found to date is insufficient.

All the diets you do, no matter how basic, simple or fast, must be accompanied by a routine of physical activity, so you can boost yourself, lose weight faster and improve your blood pressure and heart rate.

Now that you know several natural weight loss products, will you try any?

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