10 Tips To Take Care Of The Heart

Taking care of the heart is not only a task for patients who have been diagnosed with a heart condition. In reality, it becomes a question that concerns everyone. In addition, the health of the heart depends, to a large extent, on our lifestyle.

As we have commented on other occasions, good lifestyle habits are the key to enjoying well-being. For example, if we eat well, our body will receive the nutrients it needs to function properly. This translates, among many things, into a healthy and strong heart.

However, in the case of presenting some type of heart disease it is essential to go to the specialist. The cardiologist may perform a series of examinations and physical examinations before recommending the most appropriate medical treatment based on the patient’s medical history.

How we could take care of the heart in 10 steps

Among the main guidelines for taking care of the heart and maintaining good heart health, we find the reduction of salt and sugar consumption, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Additionally, the importance of eliminating tobacco and alcohol consumption is often emphasized.

Another recommendation that is always repeated is to exercise regularly, since with this simple practice many health problems are avoided, especially all those that have to do with this particular organ.

1. Reduce the consumption of salt and sugar

One of the most important recommendations is to consume the minimum amount of salt possible, since abuse causes an increase in blood pressure. This can lead to heart attacks due to the loss of elasticity of the arteries, which causes them to become hard and the normal function of the heart is difficult.

The excessive consumption of sugar is also dangerous, since the body is not able to receive and assimilate the excesses of this product, so it transforms it into fat, causing obesity.

2. Avoid fats of animal origin

Fats are necessary for the body, but in their proper measure and choosing those that are healthy. It is recommended to increase the consumption of fats of vegetable origin, while those that come from animals should be consumed in moderation.

Milk and its derivatives – without skim -, the saturated fats contained in sausages, sauces and all fried foods, are in general the ones that could cause the most heart disease, for this reason it is necessary to become aware of this and start using those healthier fats.

3. Eat more blue fish than red meat


To take care of the heart it is advisable to reduce the consumption of red meat and, instead, eat blue fish at least 2 or more times a week, in addition to avocado and nuts.

It is believed that the omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish, such as tuna, salmon, sardines, or mackerel among others, could help prevent heart disease, maintain the health of the cardiovascular system and organs as important as the brain.

According to some research, consuming plant-based omega-3s may provide mild protection against some heart and circulatory diseases.

4. Consume steamed foods before fried foods

Foods that are steamed, grilled, and baked can be healthier and more nutritious than those that are prepared by frying or stewing.

When foods and especially vegetables are steamed, they retain all the nutritional properties, flavor and color, which are believed to help prevent problems with the cardiovascular system.

5. Eat more vegetables and fruits and fewer sweets


The daily consumption of abundant fruits and vegetables is recommended for all people in general, since they contain fiber, vitamins and antioxidants, which could promote the proper functioning of the heart.

Among the most recommended fruits we have apples, tomatoes and bananas, although in general all fruits provide us with these nutrients in greater or lesser amounts.

6. Better whole grains

Instead of consuming refined flours, it is best to turn to whole grains. In addition to fiber, they provide other nutrients that could provide health benefits.

7. Eliminate tobacco and alcohol

As for tobacco, components such as nicotine and carbon monoxide can dangerously increase the heart rate, since the quantity and quality of oxygen that goes to all the body’s systems is decreased.

8. Exercise daily

Physical activity is one of the best ways to take care of our body and promote our cardiovascular health. According to the WHO, it is advisable to do at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.

Ride a bike

Performing at least 30 minutes or an hour of daily exercise is really important to maintain good health of the heart and the entire circulatory system.

Cycling, swimming, yoga, and aerobics are among the most recommended activities . Remember that they should be done moderately, but continuously.

10. Maintain adequate medical control

It is important to visit the specialist at least once a year, since it is essential to maintain a medical check to know the state of all the body’s systems.


In short, in order to take care of the heart and enjoy well-being, it is essential to maintain lifestyle habits. In case of doubt, the doctor should be consulted.

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