10 Curious Techniques That Serve … To Cure Hiccups?

Do you know how to cure hiccups? The reality is that hiccups are little more than a reflex – experts say it’s often a body reaction to common digestive problems. Usually those sounds are more of an annoyance than anything else. We have all had hiccups at some point; even babies hiccup.

We leave you 10 techniques to try to stop hiccups, although some are part of what is known as popular culture. We dispel doubts regarding efficacy.

How to cure hiccups? Myths and reality

1. Eating sugar to cure hiccups?

Popular culture says that overloading the nerve endings in the mouth with a sweet sensation can kill hiccups. However, a study by the magazine Memoriza.com considers that it has a mere folkloric origin.

Supposedly, you would have to take a teaspoon of sugar and, if possible, place it on the back of the tongue, where the taste buds are, so that the sugar overload ends with the hiccups.

2. Can covering your ears cure hiccups?

Home remedies to cure hiccups

The popular method of plugging the ears to stop hiccups is done with your fingers. Branches of the vagus nerve also reach the auditory system, and supposedly by stimulating its nerve endings, the vagus nerve kicks in and relieves hiccups. But Cancer Care of Western New York clarifies that this remedy is not supported by scientific evidence.

3. Give you a scare?

Again, popular culture resorts to another ‘old trick’ such as scare to end the hiccups. It is said that if someone surprises you, the fright could overwhelm the vagus nerve, then put an end to the annoying hiccups. The aforementioned Memoriza.com study also considers that there is no scientific evidence to support this alleged efficacy.

4. Is drinking water effective in curing hiccups?

Drinking water appears to be another popular ‘technique’ for curing hiccups: ingesting water would supposedly interrupt the hiccup cycle, potentially calming the nerves. And it is also said that gargling with water can have the same effect.

However, once again, the Memoriza.com study clarifies that the effectiveness of both methods is not supported by scientific evidence.

5. Pulling your tongue to relieve hiccups?

It turns out that sticking out your tongue and pulling it is said that you could help stop hiccups, too. But again, according to Memoriza.com, there are no scientific verifications to support this method.

6. Does tickling the roof of your mouth cure hiccups?

Can you believe that tickling the roof of your mouth with a cotton swab can cure hiccups? This is another method that Cancer Care of Western New York questions for lack of scientific evidence.

7. Hold your breath to cure hiccups?

The breath-holding method is also another popular culture trick. Holding your nose and closing your mouth for as long as you are able is supposed to make the hiccups go away, but the Memoriza.com study establishes that there is no evidence of that supposed effect.

8. Breathing into a paper bag to cure hiccups?

The old-fashioned way of breathing into a paper bag is believed to work on the same principle as the apnea method. The amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases and the body has to get rid of it. Again, this is a folklore trick that is not scientifically verified.

9. Antacids relieve or cure hiccups

How to treat hiccups

If you take strong antacids, you will alleviate the hiccups or it will subside completely. However, you should see your doctor and not ingest them on your own.

10. Eat and drink more slowly

Finally, if you eat or drink fast, you dilate the stomach and stimulate the phrenic nerve, which could cause hiccups, according to a study by Pediatriaintegral.es. Chew carefully and take small sips of drinks to keep your air intake to a minimum.

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